1. the Night Whispers Index -1

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 91, Source: xHamster

    Penelope. I wavered on the edge of sl**p, unfocused. Penelope. &#034What?&#034 I muttered, swept from a fading dream which had been lost quickly, a dream where I picked up my dirty panties from the floor over and over and over. It's been so long. My eyes opened. I thought I dreamed the voice, too. It wasn't really spoken words, more an impression of them, and I relaxed after trying to clear my head. I sank back onto the bed, weary and too upset to let what had happened with my son linger in my thoughts. &#034Mom?&#034 A soft, feminine voice slowly drew me from where I was still on my son's bed. &#034Are you alright?&#034 I opened my eyes, lids somewhat heavy, and blinked a couple of times. Kira was sitting on the edge of the bed, her hand resting on my knee, a look of concern on her face. &#034What?&#034 I said, all the details of what had led me to that moment slamming in quickly. &#034Oh...&#034 &#034What's wrong?&#034 Kira asked, leaning closer. &#034Where's Dex?&#034 &#034Oh,&#034 I replied softly, trying to cover up my distress, &#034everything's fine ... everything's just fine, I just ... got sl**py. Your b*****r's staying with a friend tonight...&#034 Kira eyed me a moment as I sat up, then looked to where my panties were still balled in my fist. She said nothing about my underwear, but I saw her take it in with a sad glance. &#034Doesn't look like everything's fine, Mom. What's going on? Please?&#034 My daughter slid next to me as I moved my legs over the edge of ...
    the bed. I felt half-d***k from my emotional afternoon and the uncomfortable sl**p I'd had. I shook my head, then almost laughed as the absurdity of the situation hit me. &#034I ... I just don't know what to say, Kira ... I don't know how to say anything...&#034 &#034Mom ... you're kinda scaring me...&#034 &#034No, it's fine, Kira ... nothing too bad...&#034 &#034So, tell me...&#034 I let out a breath, feeling that I had to talk to someone in that moment. I had no close friends, no confidants. Kira was as close as anyone, really, and I let out what I'd been holding back. &#034Your b*****r ... took my panties last night and I found them in here earlier ... next to those,&#034 I said, pointing at the tissue balls which I knew had been used to collect his ejaculate. Kira looked at the panties as I opened my hand. &#034Oh,&#034 she said quietly, then looked away. &#034Yeah ... He came home earlier and saw that I found him out ... I yelled at him...&#034 &#034Oh,&#034 my daughter said again, still not looking in my direction. &#034So ... I'm just kinda upset, Kira...&#034 &#034Sorry, Mom ... maybe,&#034 she said much quieter, &#034maybe this is sorta my fault...&#034 &#034What?&#034 I exclaimed, &#034however do you figure that?&#034 Kira shrugged, paused a long time before speaking, &#034cause I've let him take mine for a while...&#034 I was speechless. Was my daughter really telling me that she'd let her b*****r use her panties to masturbate? I just stared at the side of her head. ...