1. the Night Whispers Index -1

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 91, Source: xHamster

    My name is Penelope, but no one calls me that anymore. To my friends and f****y, I'm Penny. I don't really care which you call me, but the rest of what I have to tell is so personal you might as well use my familiar name. My son and daughter call me Mom. My ex-husband sometimes called me Cunt, at least at the end. Please don't call me that. Not ever. I married my college boyfriend a month after graduating from Yale with a degree in Political Science. I was pregnant two months later, and soon gave birth to a son, Dexter. Most everyone, including me, calls him Dex. Even as an infant, he had bright blue eyes which melted my soul. A little more than a year later, my daughter was born. Like her b*****r, Kira had blue eyes and auburn hair. Four months after Kira's birth, I caught my husband with another woman and I filed for divorce, leaving me alone to raise our c***dren. For the next f******n years or so, I dedicated myself to my k**s and my career. It wasn't easy, but I did the best I could. I rarely took time for myself, and on the rare occasions I went on a date with a man, it only twice led to more than a kiss, and never to anything long-term. In some ways, that was fine, but in others, it left me very lonely and often depressed. Still, like I said, I did my best. Raising two c***dren alone took a lot of time and I sacrificed my own needs to see that they had attention and love and were in a home where we spent time together as often as possible. They were both ...
    well-adjusted, as much as any teenagers could be, I suppose. Dex was fifteen when he started showing an interest in girls. At first, that just meant inviting one or two from school to a weekend outing along with his three or four closest male friends. But I saw the way he flirted with the girls, even though he did his best to avoid letting me see. I started to wonder whether he had become sexual with any of them, and that thought made me cringe to realize just how much he'd grown up. I didn't like thinking about Dex as a young adult, but I found it impossible to ignore the way he'd finally started to grow taller and was less and less interested in spending time with me or his s****r, instead preferring to go out with friends on the weekends, often leaving Kira and me by ourselves. Kira was very much Dex's opposite. Where he became outgoing and charismatic around his friends, she was reserved, shy, and awkward whenever I saw her interact with others. Kira had a couple of female friends with whom she felt at ease, but around Dex's friends or others she didn't know well, she rarely spoke and generally tried to avoid conversations. I'd had 'the talk' with Dexter when he was twelve, around the time I expected his body was changing and his natural urges would probably start kicking in. While he didn't start growing much until he turned f******n, I knew he was already experiencing the early stages of pubescence where boys started to notice and become interested in their classmates. He was ...