1. the Night Whispers Index -1

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 91, Source: xHamster

    The panties fell from my loose fingers. &#034You ... what?&#034 I finally exclaimed, exasperated, not believing what she'd said. &#034I dunno ... he just ... asked one day ... a couple of years ago ... I didn't really know why, I just thought he was being silly...&#034 I tried to grasp what was going on, failing utterly to hide my shock as Kira finally turned back to face me. &#034I'm sorry, Mom ... I kinda knew what he was doing ... eventually. But,&#034 she shrugged, looking solemn, &#034I didn't care...&#034 &#034Didn't ... care?&#034 I stared at Kira's face a moment. &#034Didn't care that your own b*****r was ... using your panties to masturbate? That he was ... sniffing them? Maybe licking them... ? Kira?!&#034 &#034I know ... it's weird ... I guess ... I guess I didn't think it was bad...&#034 Kira looked back at the floor. &#034I guess I kinda ... liked that he did that...&#034 Once more, I found no words to respond. I shook my head, my mouth open. I felt flushed, sweaty. &#034I need a shower,&#034 I declared suddenly, standing quickly and rushing into my bathroom. I sat on the toilet lid a moment, shaking. I don't know what was going through my head, really. Maybe it was a mix of anger and horror and frustration and ... arousal. I didn't know where that came from. My own son was sniffing his s****r's panties, and while I was upset, I couldn't miss that my clit had grown erect and my pussy was once more drooling into my underwear. Something stirred in my mind, ...
    something hidden, something I had tried to forget. It wasn't wholly unpleasant, whatever it was, but it also contained pain. I fought back tears and my arousal only with a lot of effort. I drew a hot bath and shed my clothes, pissing quickly in the toilet before settling into the water. I leaned back and rested my head on the back of the tub. I tried my best to forget things for a while. Penelope. My eyes fluttered a moment, a calmness in my mind that felt soothing and warm. &#034Huh?&#034 Shhhh. Try to remember, Penelope. For me. &#034What?&#034 I heard no voice but yet it had familiar tones. There was no ceramic echo from the tiles on the bathroom walls. It was like the words were passed into my brain directly. Shhhh. I'll help you remember. Soon. Relax now. You need to relax. My eyes closed on their own, and the soothing calm rinsed through me as I soaked in the water. &#034Mom?&#034 Kira's voice brought me awake. I was still in the tub, the water room temperature, my skin wrinkled below the surface. I sat up slowly. &#034What?&#034 &#034Can I talk to you a minute?&#034 &#034I ... give me a moment, Kira. I'm in the tub.&#034 &#034Okay ... you've just been in there a long time...&#034 &#034I know,&#034 I said, standing and reaching for a towel, &#034just ... trying to get rid of a headache.&#034 It wasn't quite a lie. My head felt thick and throbbed dully. The calm I'd known earlier replaced by dread and shame. I dried quickly, but hadn't brought my robe in with me. I wrapped the ...