1. the Night Whispers Index -1

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 91, Source: xHamster

    since I started puberty. It once made me feel ashamed, and though it had been many years since I had intentionally inhaled them, my odors no longer worried me. I inhaled again, confused and aroused at once. &#034Oh ... shit.&#034 Dexter's voice drew me to stand quickly, my eyes drawing to where he had taken a step into his room. His face was locked on where I held my damp panties in my fist. I'd not heard him come back to the house. I stared at him a moment, not really sure what I should say. Finally, I asked a rhetorical question. &#034You took my panties?&#034 Dex looked ashamed. He could only shrug, eyes cast down. &#034Why, Dexter? Tell me why.&#034 &#034I don't know,&#034 he mumbled, shifting from one leg to the other, &#034I don't know.&#034 If I hadn't still stung from the invasion of my privacy, from the way he'd come to know me in a very intimate way without my consent, I'd have felt sorry for my son. Instead, there was steel in my voice when I said, &#034I think I know why.&#034 I pointed to the balls of tissues near where I'd found my panties. &#034You took them and jerked off, right? Sniffed them?&#034 Dexter's face was bright red, and he looked incredibly upset. He didn't respond, and my anger broke suddenly. &#034Look,&#034 I said much softer, &#034I don't care if you masturbate, I don't care. But you cannot take something so personal from someone without asking. These are my panties, panties I wore that day, and you had no right to them without asking first. ...
    Do you understand?&#034 He shrugged, then said weakly, &#034yeah, okay ... I'm really sorry, Mom. I don't know why I did it...&#034 &#034Okay ... we all do things sometimes which seem right at the time but ... aren't.&#034 Thoughts of how I'd played myself thinking of my son's penis were heavy in my mind. &#034Next time ... you have to ask first.&#034 I don't think I'd said exactly what I meant. Yes, I wanted him to get consent for such things in the future, but I didn't mean to imply that I would tell him it was alright to take mine. It came as a shock to hear him say, &#034so ... if I asked ... you'd let me have the one's you're wearing tonight?&#034 &#034Dexter Watson Peterson! Are you seriously asking me for my panties? Seriously?&#034 &#034Sorry! Oh, no! No, I ... shit...&#034 &#034Enough cursing! And no, you cannot have my panties. I'm your mother. Christ!&#034 I looked at him a moment, anger boiling through me, &#034just get whatever you came back for and go. Just ... go. Stay at Donnie's tonight. We'll talk about this later.&#034 Dex hesitated a moment, eyes averted, cheeks rosy, then darted into the room, grabbed a pair of swim trunks, and left without another word. I sat back on his bed, shaking. I cried after I heard the door slam shut downstairs. I still held my damp panties in my fist. I was at a loss what to think, angry and confused and more than a little embarrassed by it all. I fell back onto the bed and sobbed, eventually passing out into a restless sl**p. ...