1. the Night Whispers Index -1

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 91, Source: xHamster

    breath. &#034Okay ... look. This is all a little much for me right now ... How about we go get some milkshakes and we'll talk about this tomorrow. I'm at my limit currently...&#034 Kira nodded and stood slowly. I saw the regret and sadness on her face, and I rose instinctively to hold her against me. &#034I'm sorry, Kira. I love you, no matter what. Just ... I don't know what to think, okay?&#034 &#034Okay ... I love you, Mom ... and I'm sorry...&#034 I held my daughter a while, rocking softly. I noticed only as we separated that my towel had not risen with my body from the couch and was still crumpled on the cushion. Kira looked down at my naked breasts only briefly before she looked away with a small smile. I shook my head, &#034good God, Kira ... I just can't stop stepping into it today, can I?&#034 I reached for the towel and quickly returned it around my body. Penelope. My eyes drifted open slowly, a vague awareness of something present in my room. I blinked, trying to peer into the darkness, but saw nothing. Penelope. It wasn't so much a voice as an impression of words, somewhere between my brain and the empty space above my bed. I had to be dreaming, or perhaps stuck in sl**p paralysis where it was easy to hallucinate voices. I know you can hear me. I felt my skin crawl, goosebumps raised, my eyes becoming wide. The voice, if I could describe it as a voice, was feminine, somehow familiar. I sat up and flicked on the table lamp. No one was inside but me. I stretched, ...
    thinking that the odd events of the past day must have sent me into a loopy state and, perhaps, I was still dreaming. I rose from the bed and shuffled into a nightgown. I rarely wore clothes while sl**ping, and the sheer lingerie clung to my body loosely as I opened the door and moved into my bathroom. I sat on the toilet and let my urine wash into the bowl. It smelled strong, a sign that I was not drinking enough water. Maybe I was dehydrated. I wiped and flushed, washed my hands, then stared at myself in the mirror a moment. I was thirty-eight but the lines under my eyes suggested I was older. I didn't remember those being there the day before. I shook my head and turned off the light, then made my way back to bed, hitting the switch on the lamp as I leaned onto my pillow. You know who I am, Penelope. I was frightened, but before I could react, there was more. You know my voice ... I know you do... I shook my head. The voice was familiar if distant, trying to draw up something I'd forgotten, piercing the veil of something deep in my memory which had been hidden or lost. I didn't let it dig out whatever was inside. &#034No,&#034 I said to the empty room, &#034no ... I don't know anything ... leave me alone!&#034 There was silence a while and my fear very slowly gave way to weariness. In that grey area just before finding sl**p, I had the impression that the voice said, I love you, Penelope ... I miss you so... Whatever sl**p I got that night was lost in trembling thoughts that ...