There Ain't No Option-B, Motherfucker!!! (Com
Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Mature, Sex Humor, Voyeur, Author: dantheman1980, Rating: 83, Source: xHamster
and lets out a grunt. 'Baz, I'm sorry, what else can I say? Did you have a good night, though?' 'It was fucking lovely, unlike coming back home to find you boffing my mother,' he ranted. 'Wonderful. And the girl?' 'Shut up, dickhead.' yeah okay, so I shut up as per request and I deserve the dickhead part, since that's the brain I was clearly thinking with. Only then does it start taking a turn for the weird and I'm not sure I know if I can stand my ground or just do as I'm told to prevent any further fighting. 'So, you're not just any motherfucker. you're fucking my mother. I should be grateful since she can't seem to get any around here. Bunch of old fucking farmers with sheep fetishes. It's nice that she's found somebody up to the challenge and who has a bright future ahead of them just waiting to be ruined by HER FUCKING SON!!!' 'Jesus, I said I was sorry. What can I do?' 'So I suppose you're my dad now, hey motherfucker?' Barry asks. Ummmm.... What? 'Eh?' 'You're into my mum, you're fucking her in her own house, in her own bed, while her son's walking around. Are you my dad now, motherfucker' 'No!' This is getting absurd. Who put 50p in the dickhead? He can't stop and I'm not sure he can hear himself anymore. I totally get that he'd insanely and probably even murderously angry at me considering the circumstances but I don't see where this is going. 'So she's not good enough for you? She's just a cheap fuck? Didn't you at least take her on a date?' 'Barry, that's enough. ...