There Ain't No Option-B, Motherfucker!!! (Com
Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Mature, Sex Humor, Voyeur, Author: dantheman1980, Rating: 83, Source: xHamster
So I was staying over with a friend down south for a week. Barry lived with his mum and she had a nice big house a few miles outside of the city in a nice rural patch. Essentially that week came to consist of drinking, playing videogames and sl**ping a lot. I couldn't get over just how peaceful the place was, not to mention how lush the house and the guest bedroom was too! Teresa was stunning in her mid-forties and her only son, Barry, had grown accustomed to the fact that she was staying single and playing away or having company whenever she saw fit. That apparently wasn't much, but it didn't stop his friends trying to get into her and outright declaring her fitness. She was 5'4" with short chestnut brown hair with a graceful streak or two of grey. She was pretty and youthful otherwise, with almost flawless pale white skin and a seemingly permanent smile of contentment, drawn out with subtle laughter lines. Funny thing about the short hair, which gave her a sort of conservative look, I saw pictures of her as a teenager and young woman - seeing the hippy c***d grow into a young woman and then fade ever so slightly with the arrival of her c***d. Barry, you bastard, I'd have said to him, you ruined a damn fine woman. But she was still damn fine, there was no denying. Heading into the weekend before I would leave to go back to work we spent the Friday out on the town, which was a bore, to be frank. I wasn't really into the whole drinking my own bodyweight thing and then ...