1. There Ain't No Option-B, Motherfucker!!! (Com

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Mature, Sex Humor, Voyeur, Author: dantheman1980, Rating: 83, Source: xHamster

    and motioned as if to attempt shallower strokes before begging me deeper again. 'He's with a girl,' I explained. 'Who knows, maybe he'll stay with her again tonight...' 'So what if he isn't?! You're clearly an expert at sneaking up on people,' Teresa remarked, taking me by the hips and initiating us into a faster pace to meet my deepened strokes. I was close, so was she, but because she was so wet now there was no resistance, zero friction. My cock was coming out dripping and my balls were soaked and sore. I mashed myself up against her clit, grinding our hips together and making sure to bump her to orgasm along with every stroke. So close, so close! Then the sound of Barry's voice from downstairs: 'Hello? Mum?' 'Fuck,' I said. 'Oh fuck,' she said. Our eyes meeting in a panicked wide stare. 'Oh fuck,' I said, about to fulfil both of out desperate needs. 'Oh fuck, oh fuck,' she said back, scrambling to get up as Barry's footsteps began to echo up the stairwell. She was still on the end of my cock when:WHAT DO YOU DO? Option A: spunk deep and hard into her pussy until you are 100% spent? or...Option B: THERE AINT NO OPTION B, MOTHERFUCKER!!! 'What the fuck?' I heard Barry say from the landing. As the door flew open and my friend appeared in full view, his mother's sopping snatch was wrapped around my cock and impaled halfway, still struggling to get off me. To make matters worse/better I was in the process of dumping a gallon of spunk in her love canal. Finally she managed to ...
    pull free in her panic, yelling for her son to get out of the room, not to see her like this. 'Oh shit,' I stammered as my cock sprang free and sent a jet of pure white come shooting up against the wall behind the bed.Part 2 'What the ffffucking fuck?' Barry yelled, his face a red ball of fury and confusion all at once. 'Barry, get out!' Teresa panicked. 'What the absolute fucking fffffffuuuuuuuuu- 'Oh Jesus, Baz, I'm so sorry,' I pleaded. 'You're fucking sorry?' 'So fucking sorry!' 'Then stop fucking my mother, you fucking fuckbag!' I didn't realise I was. I looked down. Yep. My mistake. I had somehow pulled her back onto me. Maybe I was subconsciously looking for somewhere to hide. Next thing I know I look back up and see his fist up close. I need a macro lense to see this... Oh, nope, no I'm u*********s now. Never mind! 'How could you hit him like that?' I hear Teresa's voice, pleading, angry, regretful as the sound of footsteps storm about the floor and I realise I'm now lying on that very same bed. I come to, feel the sting and swollen burning against my eye socket and moan, crawling out of the bed and wrapping the quilt around my waist. Then, 'no, no, not again, you leave it alone, Barry, you've done enough!' 'I've done enough?' I hear him yell in disbelief. Why did this have to happen? He storms into the room and looks at me like he wants to hit me a second time. I'd invite it if I think it'll make him feel better. Instead he just crosses his arms, thankfully for me, ...