There Ain't No Option-B, Motherfucker!!! (Com
Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Mature, Sex Humor, Voyeur, Author: dantheman1980, Rating: 83, Source: xHamster
breasts. Nothing overwhelming, two handfuls, but with the most sensual nipples I had ever seen; still very pink and largely protruding, even in the heat of the moment. I couldn't believe my eyes then, when all of a sudden she pulled out of the water a huge flesh coloured dildo and then lifted her hips up out of the water, exposing her steamy pink pussy. She began to run the head of the toy up and down against her clit and between her labia. The sound of her wet pussy against that toy, her soft breathing moans - I was matching her gasps breath for breath as I stood watching. Teresa turned the head of the dildo onto herself then and as she pushed, slowly parting her lips and inviting herself to be fucked she held her breath, and so did I, before the air seemed pushed from her mouth to make room for the phallus sliding so easily into her. 'Oh my f- She stopped suddenly, turning her ear to the doorway from which the voice came, withdrawing the dripping hard cock from her pussy and lowering herself back into the steaming water. 'Hello?' she called out. SHHHIT!!! I took a few steps back so that my voice would sound more distant, trying to fool her in our unwitting moment of panic. 'Err... hello, is there anyone in the bathroom?' 'Yes darling, I'm in the bath. Do you need to come in?' she asked, hiding her surprise so very well. 'Nah, that's okay, I can use the one downstairs,' I said before disappearing. So I relieved my bladder in the downstairs lavatory then washed my face in ...