1. There Ain't No Option-B, Motherfucker!!! (Com

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Mature, Sex Humor, Voyeur, Author: dantheman1980, Rating: 83, Source: xHamster

    tried to give me a grave look but it didn't seem to be working. 'I saw you, I'm sorry, but I woulnd't say I was watching. I didn't know you were here and then I saw you before I walked in the door and- 'What exactly did you see?' she asked and waited there with an iron nerve as my eyes begged not to look below her neck line. It was impossible from where I was standing, just as impossible as it would have been for her not to outline my excitement from where I was stood. 'I caught a flash of you naked was all,' I said and gulped. Only then she pulled the monster 10&#034 dildo out of the water and held it suggestively in the air. Ffffffuuuuuu- 'Did you see this?' 'Hmmmm- 'Well, did you?' Eyebrow raised as she persisted. 'Yeah, I saw that,' I grinned, looking away. 'Sorry, not sorry enough...' 'And are you going to say anything?' Teresa prodded. 'Nooo, no, no... no!' 'Right,' she nodded, then smirked back at me. She took my breath away that way, even before she stood up and dropped the toy back into the bathwater and then the flannel. Then I really could't take my eyes off her. I was memerised, captivated, hard as a rock. 'So would you like to see what else I can get my soaking pussy around?' Again... 'Ughhhh- WHAT DO YOU DO? Option A: fuck her right in the pussy? or...Option B: THERE AINT NO OPTION B, MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!! Like a gentleman I was about to go down on her. The sight of her naked wet body laid out on the queen-sized bed with her knees up in the air begged for it, but ...
    she assured me that enough play in the bathtub had taken care of any other needs. All she wanted now was to fill her pussy with a real cock, hands free, and to lie back and enjoy it. I literally threw off my bottoms and shirt, standing before her with my 8&#034 erection raging like a viking marauder on the beaches of dark ages Britain... Obviously looking to plunder pussy, because can you imagine a group of dicks trying to invade a country full of twats? Wait... never mind, forget you read that! 'You'd just better be ready to run for cover if that boy comes back home any times soon,' Teresa advised with a cunning smile, then leaning back on her elbows to enjoy the show. I positioned myself at her dripping pink entrance then took her hips in my hands and pulled her onto me slowly until her dark strip of trimmed pubic hair was nestled up against mine. She watched, fascinated, as I began to withdraw and slide back in deep, her tight pussy offering just the right amount of resistance as I slowly glided back and forth, going in deep and coming out glistening wet. 'You look so good on the end of a cock,' I told her as she purred away approvingly, and then, 'I couldn't help but notice how much you enjoyed that monster in the bathtub.' 'Yes, god bless that wayward son of mine for so rudely leaving such a strapping young man home alone,' Teresa remarked, pushing herself down onto me and then pinching at her perfect nipples. She then reached down and took my thick shaft in her fingers ...