1. the Night Whispers Index -1

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 91, Source: xHamster

    your age is sexually active, but ... it's her decision. I just hope they were using protection.&#034 Kira grew silent a moment. &#034When I get birth control ... will I still have to use condoms?&#034 my daughter asked quietly. &#034Yes. Birth control only prevents pregnancy, it doesn't stop you from getting infections or diseases.&#034 &#034Oh,&#034 she said, and I thought I detected disappointment. &#034What about if he's never been with anyone?&#034 &#034Kira...&#034 I replied gently, &#034you can't trust someone to be completely honest about that. People lie all the time about how many partners they've had or who they've been with. It's not always malicious, sometimes it is really better not to know, but ... you have to assume that your partner has been exposed, whether they've had intercourse or not.&#034 &#034I know,&#034 she said, tossing her hair a moment before settling it behind her head, &#034I just ... nothing.&#034 &#034Tell me.&#034 &#034No ... I'm just thinking, that's all.&#034 I decided to push again at the question I asked her by the pool. &#034Who's the boy?&#034 Kira looked away, suddenly blushing, as if that question was more embarrassing than talking to me about using protection. &#034No one, Mom.&#034 I never liked to f***e Kira or Dex to discuss details of things such as that unless I felt their well-being was at risk. The identity of Kira's potential lover was leaning over the line. &#034Come on. I promise not to tell anyone. I'd just like to know, ...
    Kira. You know, who you are interested in ... being with. Someone you know at school? Another rising freshman?&#034 It took a moment before she finally replied, &#034no ... just ... he's a year older than me. He doesn't know that I like him, not really. That's all. I just ... you know me, Mom, I dream about things but I never follow them through. That's all. Just a dream.&#034 I wasn't convinced but Kira's dodging made me feel I'd get nothing more out of her. &#034Well ... alright. But, if you do decide to be serious with anyone, you'll tell me, right?&#034 &#034Yeah ... yeah.&#034 &#034Ok. Well ... I'll set up an appointment for you on Monday, hopefully we can get it in before school starts and you decide to let this mystery boy know you like him.&#034 Kira chuckled quietly, &#034okay. Thanks, Mom.&#034 &#034You're welcome.&#034 I hugged my daughter a moment, then said, &#034just remember your promise to me. You'll wait until I tell you it is safe, alright? No rushing into anything. And ... I want us to talk ... woman to woman before that, as well. Since you're considering it ... there are some things I want you to know about sex that I wish I had known when I was your age.&#034 Kira looked at me without shame or embarrassment. &#034Yes. I'd like that. Okay...&#034 I kissed her forehead and went to bathe. Thinking of my first time again, I settled into the hot water and relaxed in the bath, my fingers idly stroking my labia, circling my clit slowly. While I knew it had been ...