1. the Night Whispers Index -1

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 91, Source: xHamster

    than a minute later. I knew just enough about what might happen to squat down and use my fingers to sc**** out as much of his semen as I could. It wasn't everything I'd dreamed it would be, but I didn't really know enough to see how unfilling it was at that time. We had sex a few more times that year before we broke up. Each time was roughly the same. I never blew him, he never ate me. We just didn't really know much beyond petting and intercourse. It got better over the weeks, more enjoyable, but it was never very fulfilling and I never came with him. I think I'd been masturbating almost three years at that point, so perhaps I hadn't yet put together that my orgasms could be tied to our mating sessions. I'm sure that contributed to the lack of fulfillment I felt each time we were together. We were very lucky that I didn't get pregnant. He never wore a condom, and he never pulled out. Those memories made me think hard on my daughter's life. I wanted better for her. I wanted her to know more about sex than I had. Not just how to put on a condom or how to avoid getting pregnant. I really wanted her to understand that sex was more than just bending over and letting a guy fill her with cum. But I had no idea how to have that conversation. I certainly wasn't going to have it at the pool, not where others might overhear us. Perhaps, I thought, I'd get up the courage to bring it up soon. Kira and I spent another hour poolside, and I let my thoughts about my experiences and my ...
    daughter's budding sexuality fall away as I relaxed. I drove us home later and cooked a frozen pizza. Dex was out with friends. I'd given him permission to stay over with his best friend Donnie, and expected that Kira and I would be alone for the weekend. &#034Movie?&#034 I asked as I dished out slices. Kira shrugged, &#034sure.&#034 &#034Preference?&#034 &#034I'll find something.&#034 While I gathered napkins and brought our food, Kira flipped through the options, finally settling on Easy A, a movie starring Emma Stone about a high school girl who gets an undeserved reputation for sl**ping around. We settled in and ate our pizza. The movie was decent, and when it ended, Kira slid onto the couch next to me. She had the look which said something was on her mind. &#034I know a girl like that. Sort of.&#034 &#034Like Olive?&#034 I asked, referring to Stone's character in the movie. &#034Yeah. Bonnie. She had sex with her boyfriend over Christmas and then when they broke up, she had sex with another guy over spring break. Some people call her a slut.&#034 &#034And what do you call her?&#034 I asked softly. Kira shrugged. &#034Nothing, really.&#034 &#034Do you think it's wrong, what she did?&#034 I like to ask questions of my k**s rather than moralize directly. I felt it helped them think about more complicated subjects themselves before I gave my views. Kira shrugged again, &#034not really. Do you think it's wrong?&#034 I shook my head. &#034No. I'm not exactly thrilled to know a girl ...