1. Living among the Kilitoki

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    Peter watcher her head slump further to one side. Then suddenly, the bus jolted and her arms, still holding the sweater, fell down in her lap. Naturally, Peter's eyes shifted to the area which was covered by the sweater. It so happened that his eyes rested on his mother's chest. Soaked, white shirt clung to Zoe's breast mounds. As she dozed off, she had no way of knowing that her son's eyes were now clued to her chest. She didn't usually wear a bra, and today was no different. Thus, her son was treated to a picturesque view of her nipples pressing firmly against a cotton shirt, the shirt that was practically see through after soaking up her sweat. Peter had never seen any of his mother's private parts exposed before. Curiosity, shock and just plain teenage hormones kept his gaze firmly fixed on the sight of his mom's tits, almost visible through her shirt. Truth be told, Peter had never even considered that his mother had tits. Well, not in that way, not actual tits for him to look at. And now, Peter took a moment to look. From what he could tell, they were large -- by no means were they huge, but calling them medium would have been an understatement. He could see the round, dark circles at the tips of her breasts. They pressed against the cotton material as if trying to break through. The jolting of the bus, kept the mass of her breasts constantly jiggling. He found it hard to look away from such a sight, but a sudden pot hole made him snap out of his trance. He quickly ...
    glanced away and looked at Nakibo. The big man had his back turned to him. Relieved that he hadn't been caught, Peter carefully reached down and picked up his mother's sweater. Carefully, and with one last peek, he covered his mother's chest with it. Nakibo announced that the bus was nearing the village. Peter nudged Zoe several times and she woke up. It took her a moment to register where she was. She looked around and wiped the sweat off her face with the sweater. Slowly, the bus came to a stop near a small house on the outskirts of a village. The village looked pretty small -- a handful of wooden buildings s**ttered in the valley before the vast jungle. &#034We've arrived!&#034 said Nakibo looking back at his two companions. &#034Great! When will the guides meet us?&#034 asked Zoe. &#034They will come tomorrow morning,&#034 answered Nakibo. &#034We spend the night here. My friend has welcomed us at his house.&#034 They exited the bus one-by-one and took up their packs. Nakibo led the way towards one of the houses. His friend was a jolly man. He didn't speak a word of English, but he made up for it with lots of gestures. Inside of his house, they were given food and drink, and shown to their modest sl**ping arrangements. By now, it was getting dark outside and Peter could barely keep his eyes open after a full day of travel. His mother and him curled up on a small cot, in a tiny little room. Last thing he remembered before falling asl**p was Nakibo wishing him a good night. - ...