1. Living among the Kilitoki

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    they didn't seem to notice -- they were busy looking at this mom. Even when Nakibo motioned to sit down at one of the tables, the men never took their eyes off of her. Peter glanced at her. She was now wearing a white button-up shirt and sweat was beading her skin. Nothing unusual. &#034They must have never seen a white woman before,&#034 guessed Peter. The bartender brought out three cups of water and, what looked like, potatoes covered in cheese. The food didn't interest Peter, but he drank the water gladly. Nakibo was the only one who ate the food, while he and Zoe talked about something that was of no interest to Peter. Peter surveyed the little cafe shack and found it rather modest. &#034I wonder if that is what we'll be living in?&#034 he wondered. He spent some time looking out of the window at the various people coming and going from the airport. The bus arrived ahead of time and they climbed aboard into an air conditioned cabin. It was a small bus, designed to carry no more than ten people, and it appeared that Nakibo, Peter and Zoe were the only passengers. As Peter sat down on the leather seat, he realized that he was sweating rather profusely under his clothes. His underwear was clinging to his butt and his shirt was turning a darker shade. His mother sat down next to him and he noticed that her white shirt was soaked with sweat as well, and had became almost see through. &#034That is why she's holding her sweater in front of her like that,&#034 laughed Peter to ...
    himself. The bus driver loaded up their backpacks and they set off. The bus trip would take several hours, but Peter didn't mind as he was glued to the the window the whole time. The landscape was unreal -- it was so different from what a European country might look like. Peter had only seen the likes in movies and he was taking note of every detail that his eye could catch. This new and strange country was a lot for him to comprehend. He felt as if he was dreaming a very real dream. He practically woke up to a whole different world. There were dark people and palms, dry grass and blue skies, scorching heat and bright sun. Nakibo sat a few rows up from Peter and Zoe. He spent most of the time exchanging words with the bus driver in their native tongue. However, once in a while he would turn back and point out to Peter and Zoe a certain landmark. After about an hour, the little bus turned off the paved road and began bouncing around on a smaller dirt road. &#034We will be arriving at the village within two hours,&#034 said Nakibo turning around. &#034We will spend the night and in the morning the guides will take us to the tribe.&#034 He smiled and turned back. Peter realized that his mom hadn't said anything in a while. He turned his head to look at her. She was slouched over next to him and seemed to be asl**p. Even in her sl**p she was clutching the sweater to the front of her shirt. As the bus bounced around on the dirt road her limp body bounced as well. With amusement, ...