1. Living among the Kilitoki

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    her what this was about. Zoe loved surprises, so she didn't press him further. When she reached the office, she folded the umbrella realizing that rain never fell. &#034Hi Mary!&#034 she greeted the receptionist at the front desk. &#034Hello Zoe. Didn't know you'd be coming in today.&#034 &#034I wasn't planning on it, but Doug wanted to chat about something.&#034 &#034Ah! He's in his office.&#034 Zoe nodded, took off her coat and hung it up on the wooden coat rack. She took a deep breath, turned the nob on Doug's office door and peeked her head in. &#034Hi Doug. May I come in?&#034 &#034Of course, my dear! Did you get rained on?&#034 &#034No, you can say I got lucky. It looks terrible outside.&#034 &#034I know. I shouldn't have asked you to come down here. I keep forgetting that you don't own an automobile.&#034 &#034And I keep telling you that not everyone is as privileged as you,&#034 said Zoe with a playful cock of her head. &#034I know darling, but when you get to be my age you forget things.&#034 Doug paused and stared out of the window, watching the wind whip the fallen leaves into a restless dance. Zoe looked at the old man and almost felt bad that she made him bring up his age. Doug was in his early seventies but still too stubborn to retire. He's been with the EHA for over forty years and claimed that there was no one competent enough to succeed him. It was a fact. Doug was a great boss, he was understanding, reasonable and knew more than anyone about the ...
    affairs of the Association. He was just one of the many reasons why Zoe loved her job. &#034Doug? What was it you wanted to talk to me?&#034 Zoe spoke up when it seemed that Doug had forgotten about her. &#034Oh dear, I almost forgot.&#034 Doug turned around and smiled warmly. &#034Zoe, you might have heard me talk about a certain affair in Africa for quite some time.&#034 Zoe nodded. &#034This morning the confirmation finally came back from the headquarters.&#034 Doug walked over to his big, wooden desk and rummaged through some documents. &#034Here is the official project description,&#034 he handed several documents to Zoe and continued: &#034There's a limited-contact tribe in Zimbabwe that needs our organization's help.&#034 He paused and looked at Zoe, who was trying to skim the contents of the documents. &#034Since you are my most trusted agent, I thought that I would present the opportunity to you first,&#034 he finished. Zoe's eyes shifted from the documents to Doug. She had a faint smile on her face that was growing fast. Of course, she knew about this assignment. It has been the talk of the office for quite some time. Ever since she learned about it, Zoe's been hoping that it would go through. &#034Oh Doug, this is wonderful! You know that this is what I love to do. Thank you so much!&#034 Doug couldn't help but grin like a fool. &#034I know Zoe, but I wanted to see that face when I gave you the news myself. Just imagine a year in the African jungle, bonding with the ...