Living among the Kilitoki
Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
Chapter 3 - In the morning, Zoe and Peter woke up to knocks on the door. "Good morning!" announced Nakibo when Zoe cracked open the door. "The guides are here. We can leave as soon as you'd like." "Oh, good. Let's get a move on right away," said Zoe. She was wearing a different shirt, stretchy and dark brown. She tugged at its collar wishing for a shower, but she knew there wouldn't be one any time soon. After a light breakfast Nakibo introduced the guides -- two local men, who only communicated with Nakibo, but they seemed cheery and nice enough, and would wink and smile at Peter from time to time. After Nakibo held a brief discussion with one of the men, the guides took up Peter and Zoe's backpacks and the party set out into the jungle. "We will walk through the jungle for a few hours," explained Nakibo. "It will be less hot under the trees. Once we reach the river, we will take a boat all the way downstream to the Kilitoki tribe's location. The trip should take around six hours. Please, do let me know if you need a break, because these men do not stop." The walk wasn't difficult -- Zoe had plenty of practice in the city -- but she was glad that the guides were carrying their backpacks for them. Indeed, they heat was less punishable under the cover of trees, yet every person in the party was sweating profusely. They all shared a bottle of water and when it ran out, one of the guides produced another one. Zoe looked over at Peter. He ...