Daughter and Dad
Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
years ago. I'd love to do that one again. Anyway, if you're interested, I'd like to talk about a repeat performance". Her voice was somewhere between a question and a statement. "Lumby Lake? You've forgotten about the mosquitos up, there haven't you? Shit, some of them had landing lights, and I was getting scared that they'd attack en masse and carry you away! But yeah. If you really have your heart set on going up there to commit harikari again, we can talk about it. Might even give us some of that quality father-daughter time you keep yapping about. Could happen, ya know!", he ribbed her. Anita said nothing, but her smile spoke volumes. She remembered the log cabin that they had shared, especially as it only had one bed. That last trip, her Dad had volunteered to sl**p on the floor, and paid for it with a sore back for a week! But if she had her way, they'd both share the bed this trip -- and maybe more. The more she thought about having sex with Jim, the wetter her pussy got, with a resultant determination to make her fantasy come true. "It's a good thing he can't read my mind", she thought to herself. "Otherwise, he'd probably pull my boobs off and tie `em behind my back!". After dinner Anita cleared the table off, loaded the dishwasher, and refilled both their wine glasses. Jim took the opportunity to sneak into the living room and turn on the stereo. He found some music that was relaxing, put it on, and lounged on the sofa. When she was ...