Daughter and Dad
Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
the greatest hugger!". There was a momentary lull as Anita studied her father's expression again. "So, what's up?", she wanted to know. "Nothing really, Sweetheart. I guess I'm still wallowing in some more of that self-pity. I mean, here we are, me in a bit of a rut, and you working your butt off trying to get ahead. On top of all that, you're stuck babysitting a broken-down, old has-been of a father. Your mother got smart and left! As a father, I haven't done a very good job, so far. I sometimes wonder how long before you follow in your mother's footsteps? Shit, there's really nothing to keep you here, is there?", Jim explained his fearful mood that had darkened his thoughts. "Dad! Knock off with that bullshit, right now! Ever since Mom left, you've always made sure I was warm at night, clothed in the day, and had food in my tummy. I've never wanted for anything, and I love you for that. And since you've lightened up over the last three years, you've always been there when I needed to talk. Always! I guess I hang around here because you're my best friend. Okay?". Jim gazed into his daughter's eyes and realized how much he loved her. She put up with his moods, his tendency to stay by himself, but she was always there when he needed to be with someone, especially when the loneliness overwhelmed him. He kissed her softly on the forehead, then as was his custom, again on the tip of her nose. She kissed him on the lips, and not just a henpeck kiss. He ...