1. Daughter and Dad

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    closer than she'd ever come before. Her mind desperately tried to convince the rest of her brain that the only true solution was to make love to Jim, hopefully with his approval, but if not, she'd have to come up with some alternate plan. As Anita walked up behind her Dad sitting at the table, she wrapped her arm around his chest and squeezed him lovingly. He reacted by placing his own hand over hers and pressing her arm against his chest, but that was all. Anita felt an overwhelming desire to nibble on his earlobe, or maybe run her tongue just inside his ear itself. It took all her willpower to stop herself, but she did settle for a kiss on his lower jawbone. &#034Mmm, what was that for, Honey?&#034, Jim quizzed her. &#034What, a girl can't kiss her Dad once in a while now? I just wanted to let you know that I love you&#034, she answered. &#034I love you too, Sweetheart. Now sit down and I'll get your dinner for you. Wouldn't want it to get cold, would you?&#034, and Jim got up to serve his daughter. Along with quite a few of his traits that Anita had acquired was her love of shellfish, and he appreciated being able to share those meals with her. He had also made garlic bread. Anita usually went through three pieces. Tonight was no exception. On his way back to the table, he reached into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of crackling rosé wine. Anita didn't normally care for wine, and they rarely had much on hand, but tonight he thought he'd surprise her. Setting her bowl ...
    and a side plate with the bread down in front of her, he whisked the wine bottle from behind him and presented it to her as though he were her personal sommelier. She giggled at his levity, then followed the role that she was cast in, accepting the cork for inspection, and a sample tasting of the beverage. Nodding her approval, Jim filled her glass, then his own. Upon completion, he clicked his heels together, gave a mock wince of pain as though he had hurt himself, and returned the wine to the fridge. Anita giggled her approval of his corny comic escapade, then took a sample spoonful of the chowder. &#034Mmm! That's good! You gonna let me steal the recipe for this some day?&#034, she asked. &#034What recipe? There isn't one. I just make it up as I go. You know that&#034, he reminded her. &#034Still, it's one of your best dishes&#034, she complimented him, then added,&#034Dad? Have you got anything planned this weekend?&#034. &#034No, not really. Why do you ask? Or have you got something in mind that you're gonna rope me into?&#034. Not that he minded being Anita's &#034go-fer&#034 whenever she asked. If the truth be known, he rather looked forward to those rare occasions when they buried themselves in a project, whether it was his or hers. It was an attempt, he rationalized, to make up for those years when she'd grown up while he was busy working, and avoiding the effects of his pain. &#034Nothing, really. But I was remembering that trip we took up to Lumby Lake a couple of ...