1. Daughter and Dad

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    together to the highest peak of their pleasure. The explosion of their climaxes felt like it would last a lifetime, and it was several minutes before the adrenaline rush from it began to subside. Anita collapsed against her Dad, her arms instinctively grabbing his head and pressing him to her breast. Despite the possibility of being smothered, Jim latched onto one of her nipples, but had insufficient control to do much more than sloppily lick it. Realizing that her Dad was having trouble breathing because of her grip on him, Anita pulled his head back and up to her hungry lips, then kissed him hard enough to almost leave bruises. &#034Umm, I hate to say this, Dad, but you're one helluva fuck, ya know that? Christ, I've never cum that hard before! Shit, I thought when you fingered me, that was the ultimate! But that was nothing compared to this!&#034, and she pulled him tighter to her while she locked his lips to hers for another kiss of passion and love. Jim was too exhausted to reply. He just wrapped his arms around Anita's waist and flopped on his side, pulling her with him so that they lay face to face, until his cock became limp and slipped out of her with a plop. He could feel his jism oozing out of her, and across his thigh. Then he realized that they were both heavily coated in their combined juices, and the effect was almost enough to make him pass out with exhaustion. Mumbling as best he could, Jim tried to speak, but needed several attempts before the words would ...
    come out. &#034Anita, I have no idea where you learned to make love like that, but I've never felt anything even close before! For sure, though, you didn't get it from your mother! She could be, and usually was, as cold as a fish! And it definitely didn't come from me, because I've never been that hot and horny in my life! You are my daughter, right? Hmm, must be! You feel too good to be just a fantasy!&#034. &#034Dad, you're no slouch yourself, ya know. God! I could make love to you all night! But I'm so covered in cum that I'm gonna stick to myself. What say we both go grab a shower? Phew, I must smell like a one-woman orgy!&#034. Jim and Anita dragged their weary butts up stairs to the bathroom. Anita set the water temperature while Jim retrieved a couple of clean bath towels. Washing each other, and paying extra attention to certain parts of the other, they finally became clean enough to hop out and dry each other off. As they slipped on their bathrobes, Anita gazed lovingly into her Dad`s eyes and asked him the most important question that came to her love-filled mind. &#034Dad? Who's bed tonight? Yours, or mine?&#034. &#034Hmm, seems like everything else tonight has been Ladies Choice, so why quit now, huh?&#034, he replied, as he nuzzled her earlobe. &#034Mmm, that was easy. You wanna hit our bed now, or wait fifteen minutes?&#034, Anita teasingly growled. &#034Fifteen minutes? Girl, you're gonna be the death of me yet! What does a guy have to do to get, maybe, half an ...