1. TRUE STORY - The Babe At THe Gym

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Interracial Sex, Mature, Author: richardstands, Rating: 67, Source: xHamster

    &#034Because I've been watching you watch me for weeks now and wanted to know who was 'behind blue eyes' so to speak.&#034 She hung her head suddenly. &#034Geez...that just sounded so painfully lame&#034 I blushed but managed to respond, &#034Not at all, Layla James, the Babe at the Gym.&#034 Man, her name rolled off my lips like butter, like a name for anything sexy and female. &#034And...well, quite frankly...you are kind of ...um...hard to ..um...miss... I should say for lack of a more colorful metaphor....&#034 She smiled and touched my arm. &#034So I've been told,&#034 she said. &#034But I've never been referred to as a colorful metaphor.&#034 I added quickly. &#034Zall good, I mean... you know...so many applications, descriptions one could use ... you know... when you're a metaphor&#034 I was coming unraveled all of a sudden, going under and quickly. Or it sure seemed like it. Then she let out a big husky sensuous breath &#034But there are certain people I WANT to notice me.. and I hope they use .. um...colorful metaphors..&#034 Her voice trailed off and she looked at me directly again. My dick was now rock hard and I know it had to be pretty obvious thru my own spandex. But my throat was constricting in utter terror of blowing this whole dam thing. My brain was screaming, &#034She meant you, phucker ! You ! That's right ! Say something, you stupid bonehead !&#034 My brain was registering the phenomenon of talking to her, but only my cock had responded so far. My ...
    senses seemed frozen and I felt suddenly struck dumb &#034Have a girl friend?&#034 she asked then, out of the blue, in that same low sexy voice, brow raised. I had her full attention and she mine. But I still could not phucking believe this was happening. Damn, she was a foot away from me, looking me right in the eyes. I could feel her aura, the raw air of sensuality she gave off as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, flipping her pony tail to emphasize a remark. And this close, her body language was unlike anything I had ever seen in a woman. It was just about totally overwhelming. It rushed at a guy, like a blow in the face, simply because it was not a put on to obtain money, or to manipulate a situation. It's raw allure was the fact that it was not in any way contrived. I suddenly realized that it came totally natural to her and therefore she clearly had no conscious idea it even existed, let alone its effect on the males around her. And the simplicity in that made it twice as strong of a sexual allure to just be around, twice as big of an overall sexual turn-on. You felt like a k** at the petting zoo. You were in awe, wanting to touch, to feel, to physically experience somehow. That close, I could smell a hint of that marvelous scent of the female body when perspiration glistens on it, as it was now on her neck, her arms, and the revealing cleavage of her tank thong she was so very subtly allowing me a long look at. She saw me look and looked down with me then ...