1. TRUE STORY - The Babe At THe Gym

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Interracial Sex, Mature, Author: richardstands, Rating: 67, Source: xHamster

    Now my pussy is soaking wet now. I want you too. I want your cock in me and your cum deep inside me.. now.. tonight. as many times as you can. Will you come see me, will you do that for me, Dave Dale Blue Eyes from North Hills Gym? Even though you know I've probably phucked some of those other guys at the gym?&#034 &#034Not to worry. You make all things good, Layla. Just..uh....&#034 I was having trouble speaking again. &#034What?&#034 she asked &#034Just ,,give me your address...quick...&#034 END of PART I did the same thing to him as T-Jay with the phone sign. Clearly whatever was happening was in her control and the way she handled herself was intoxicatingly sexy. It seemed she would call who she chose to and when she chose to.