TRUE STORY - The Babe At THe Gym
Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Interracial Sex, Mature, Author: richardstands, Rating: 67, Source: xHamster
back up at me, grinning. "Like those?" she giggled. "No.. I mean, Yes ...I mean," I choked out a reply at last. I coughed nervously and said in complete honesty, "No, I do not have a girlfriend. Not only no...but hell no." I cleared my throat and pointed at her cleavage. "And yes..hell yes I definitely like those.." "No boyfriend for me either," she said. And then she winked. "But as you have seen, I have some friends that are boys." I nodded, with a big stupid, lustfully ogling, but as sincere as possible grin on my face. She seemed to sense that I felt out of my league. Most women would go for the throat realizing that. But she didn't. She just looked at me,.clearly..simply openly....and said nothing. There was an awkward silence, like the rest of the gym had disappeared into some black hole. "Well.. then.. Awesome!," she concluded. Then pooching her lips in a sexy pout of shiny pink lip gloss, "But I gotta go. Really nice to meet you, Mr. Dave Dale Blue Eyes." She laughed and then she stepped close, paused, and squeezed my forearm firmly with one hand. Then off she strode with the graceful easy stride of a dancer who had just finished her main set. I thought how sexy that stride would look in a pair of 6" pumps. I watched her tits bounce, her ass move so perfectly, and her thigh muscles ripple easily like some big jungle cat taking a stroll. And this babe was interested in me? Then I realized I recognized ...