1. TRUE STORY - The Babe At THe Gym

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Interracial Sex, Mature, Author: richardstands, Rating: 67, Source: xHamster

    from the pen of a Lewis Carol or an Anne Rice or a Robert E. Howard. She made you feel like the proverbial moth drawn to the flame. And it was now pretty clear I was not the only one in that gym she had that kind of affect on. She glanced at me knowing I'd heard. Our eyes met and I tried to lock into her deep amber gaze. She really did have marvelous eyes, large, and not too far apart or too close. Her gaze was not what I expected. It held no arrogance, no haughtiness, no judgment, no self-absorbed sense of her own lusciousness I'd seen in other women who knew they were hot. And it had indecision, no fear. And in that instant, I sensed the real person, simple, straightforward, uncomplicated, looking at me with a calm and genuine inquisitiveness. With a gleam that hinted of the jokester, and of a good but very very naughty girl. Her head tilted very slowly over to one side. Her 36 DD breasts rose and fell twice inside her outfit in slow, unhurried breaths, matched by my short, quickly increasing breaths from a heart pounding ninety to nothing. I almost couldn't return her look. My God, this woman was simply breathtaking. She put her hands on her hips then, looked at the firefighter again, then back at me. She smiled then and I noticed she had one bicuspid missing on the top. I thought that was way sexy too, like she wasn't too good to have paid some hard dues. &#034Well why don't you ask him?&#034 she said to the fireman, nodding towards me as she laughed again. &#034He'd ...
    know as soon as I.&#034 The fireman looked at her and then back at me blankly. Then he shrugged. &#034Well, shit, baby. Have it your way, then. Just call me asap, ok?&#034 She didn't respond and he slowly walked off. With that I finally had the nerve and walked over to her. She had gone back to lifting her dumbbell, one knee up on the bench, her other foot on the floor. Her ass and thigh were stretched down and perfectly shaped. Her blond pony tail shook sexily as her head bobbed with each pump. I thought what it might be like to hold that pony while her head bobbed doing other things. I stopped, greeted her, and smiled with a slow nervous controlled exhale. &#034Hi. My name is Dave Dale.&#034 She stopped, set down the dumbbell, and straightened, taking my outstretched hand and looking me right in the eye again. That is so cool when women do that, especially hot women. It makes you feel like they might spare you the torture of them toying with you... well for a little while anyway. &#034I'm Layla, you know, like the song,&#034 she smiled. &#034Layla James.&#034 She pulled me one step closer to her easily. Now I was in her space. &#034You have the bluest blue eyes I have ever seen, Dave Dale,&#034 she commented in a lower and huskier voice. She definitely wanted no one to hear. She put her index finger to her lips in a playfully wicked grin. &#034And it's about phucking time you owned up,&#034 she added, her head curling on her neck like a sistra making a point to her man. ...