Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: crazyxxxcash, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
nuts.” “Nuts about his nuts, huh?” Roger chuckled. “Not funny…she was really disturbed over it. I mean he was seriously huge, Roger. And it looked even more out of proportion attached to his body.” “Did it turn you on?” he asked again. “Maybe a little,” she admitted. “I had to help measure him when Doctor Tanner came in. Freaky bitch got him hard before we measured him. I thought I was gonna pass out for a while there. She said she had to test his reactions, ya’know. I guess. I don’t know.” “So how big was he?” “I knew you were gonna ask,” she asserted. “How about you guess?” “Six inches?” “Long or around?” “Well long…I guess,” he replied. “Bigger.” “Seven?” “Bigger.” “Eight?!” he sounded shocked. “Just short of,” she stated matter-of-factly. “You wanna guess how big around?” “I’m not that good with math,” he cracked back with a chortle. “Seven and half inches around…like the size of my forearm, man! Two and half inches across in diameter.” She could all but hear the gears in his head turning and she imagined him on the other end of the line fumbling for a ruler or trying to imagine the size in real world terms. “HOLEE FUCK!” he finally blurted through the phone at her. “That ain’t right, man…wrong…just wrong!!” “You’re telling me! And that’s why his mother was spastic I guess. And let’s not forget his balls were the size of Grade-A large eggs. She told me they kept sliding out of his underwear in gym class at school. His sack hung low enough to literally dangle out of his ...