Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: crazyxxxcash, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    A SHAMELESS COUPLEBy Amanda WrighterCHAPTER ONE Dingle & Tanner Urology Clinic 10:20 AM DAY ONE Karen Burke sat quietly at her desk in the back corner office offset from the nurses’ station. It was just another typical day of processing insurance claims at the same old office she’d worked at for nearly three years now. She wanted to peel her face off rather than look at her computer screen again. She shifted uncomfortable in her rolling chair and then glanced around to see if anyone was looking her direction. The doorway leading into her office had no actual door. So anyone in the hallway could see in. When she was satisfied nobody was spying on her, she leaned back and pulled up the tight fabric of her scrub top and then pushed the overly tight waistband of her pants down so her belly could roll out over the top. Once it was free, she sighed with relief and pulled her top back down over it. How did I ever let myself get into this? She wondered as she leaned forward and resumed typing on her keyboard. Her boyfriend, Roger Cobb – she hated his last name, but he was good in bed and cute to boot – had conned her into it is how she’d come to be in the predicament she was in at that moment in time. She’d met him in the supermarket four months earlier and the fact that he’d actually hit on her was still a shock. Roger was good looking and a new car salesman…could have had just about woman he met in the store…but he chose her to ask out for coffee. She’d taken him up on it and ...
    about two weeks later she finally pinned him down and made him tell her exactly why he’d gone after her. The truth was simple, but still seemed too good to be true. Roger liked fat women and not just any, but a particular type. Roger liked women who were skinny all over except for their bellies. Roger also liked big titties. And good old Roger found exactly what he was looking for when he met Karen in the supermarket. Admittedly, she wasn’t all that great looking. Two k**s and a failed marriage had taken its toll on her. At just barely five foot tall, she’d weighed barely 110 when she married her ex-husband right out of high school. And even after the girls were born, she was only about 130 or so and that was with ten years of marriage in the mix. But after her ex dumped her for a newer model, she tended to take solace in junk-food and ended up ballooning into 160 pounds before the divorce was final. After that it was sort of downhill for a while. She just avoided scales entirely and tried to deny she was still gaining. By the time she met Roger, a year later…she was approaching 190 at full speed. The only good thing she could say was that her former C-cups were now Double DD-cups and thankfully stuck out far enough to hide protruding potbelly in most outfits. Roger wasn’t just a lover of fat bitches though. After discovering that he liked her body, she got bold one night and asked him what he’d think if she gained more weight? His answer came in the form of his dick being ...