Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: crazyxxxcash, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
smacked him back. “I’d assume that would be downer for you.” “Well normally yeah, I’d kill whatever douche had come near you with his Johnson…and quite honestly I’ve never even fantasized about something like that. But listening to you telling about it is pretty hot. Maybe you’re just a great storyteller.” “Oh, ha, ha,” she grumbled at him. “I just lost my job and I’ll be blacklisted from working in a clinic again because of this shit. I’m screwed. I’m gonna have to move back in with my parents and end up letting the girls go live with Jimmy and his beanpole of a new wife.” “Your parents live out of state,” he suddenly blurted. “I know,” she agreed. Silence filled the digital air between them for a while before Roger broke it by saying, “There’s another alternative.” “What?” “You could move in with me and Randall,” he asserted. “And before you say no…c’mon…we hardly ever get to see one another as it is…so I’m not letting you get out of state on me. I’ll move to follow you if I have to!” That made her feel so good inside. Knowing he had it so bad for her that he’d quit his own job and move to be near her was something she never imagined she’d have after her divorce from Jimmy. “C’mon, woman! I’ve got a townhouse here with three bedrooms in it and there’s plenty of room. Randall has his own room and the girls can share one for a while.” “For a while?” “Well…I don’t know how else to explain that other than to say that I have been thinking about asking you to do more than just ...