Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: crazyxxxcash, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
really be telling you my dirty thoughts on a ten year old just before moving in with you.” “Well Randall ain’t hung like no moose, so I’m pretty sure he’s safe. And if he was hung like a moose, well I’d be proud as hell if he was tagging grown women with it! Ha!” “Even me?!” “Could I watch?” “PERVERT!!” she blurted at him loudly. “Be serious you freak!” “Why would you do Randall if you could do me?” “Good point, but I don’t want to talk nasty about a ten year old boy to you.” “Yeah you do,” he insisted. “Don’t you?” “You really think it’s hot?” “I have my dick out right now…I’m in the men’s room at work…but I’m getting frustrated because you won’t hook me up here.” “You thinking about me?” “I’m thinking about you jerking this fat dicked little fucker off while his mommy watched,” he replied. “You want the real story or do you want a made-up version?” “Hmm…how dirty is the truth?” “Pretty bad,” she answered, honestly considering telling him what really went down. Part of her suspected he might actually get off to it. Apparently the man was far more perverted than she ever imagined. And that crack about Randall didn’t seem all that humorous. Was her newly minted fiancé some kind of closet p*******e in addition to being a lover of fat bitches? If he was, did she want to move in with him with her daughters in tow? Both of whom were chubby? Perhaps moving in with him might not be a good idea. And yet, deep down, some part of her was aroused by the idea that he could be excited ...