Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: crazyxxxcash, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    him the fucking truth of the matter. Sticking with her lie was probably the best way to deal with it. “I was filling in for Doctor Tanner’s nurse…had to collect a semen sample from a patient…a juvenile…his mother was there…she handed the cup to me and I spilled it all over my blouse and I freaked out a little. I was holding my shirt up to keep it from…ya’know…soaking through it and onto me…and the nurse I was covering for walked in and thought I was flashing the patient and his mother. The mom tried to explain what happened, so they didn’t do me anything…but I still got fired for inappropriate conduct with a patient. Guess I’m s’posed to just let bodily fluids get on me without a fuss, huh?” Roger was silent for a moment or two before responding. When he did, his words weren’t what she expected. “How old was he?” “Oh it was a freak show…trust me,” she replied in an attempt to deflect his question. “Seriously…how old was he?” “Ten,” she replied. “Let me guess…wondering why a ten year old was having to submit a semen sample?” “Yeah, pretty much,” he agreed. “You’d have seen his man-parts, you’d know. He looked like he was giving birth to a baby elephant, if you know what I’m saying. Damn thing was the size of my forearm and I shit you not.” “You said you spilled his jizz on you?” “That wasn’t normal either…let me tell you! I went into the room to see how they were doing and his mom was all spattered with it and the damn sample cup was completely full. I was a little ...
    disturbed…I was nervous and I lost my grip on it and she didn’t tighten the lid worth a fucking shit. It was just one of those HOLEE SHIT moments when everything that could go wrong goes wrong.” “Damn…so freak boy shot off all over his own momma in the exam room? A whole…I mean like a standard sample cup? Those things are usually pretty big…that’s… where the fuck was he storing a load like that? That’s crazy, man!” From his voice, he almost sounded excited by her story and it made her start wondering just what the fuck was up with that. She didn’t have to wait long to find out. “His nuts were the size of eggs…I k** you not!” “So you saw him…like naked and shit, right?” “Yeah,” she admitted. “I’m not joking either…he was a flaming mutant below the belt.” “Did you get off on that?” he asked and her jaw felt as though it surely had hit the floor between her feet. “I can’t believe you just asked me that!” “Yes you can,” he quipped. “So his momma was in there with him while he was jerking it?” “You’re a total pervert! Are you getting off on my story? This like porn for you or something?” He started chuckling on the other end of the line and she couldn’t help but laugh as well. “You’re so bad…I get fired for dumping some k**’s jizz load on myself and you’re on the other end of the line tugging one out yourself. You sad, sad man!” “Pardon me if I think my fat girlfriend dumping cum on her big ass titties and belly is hot. My bad,” he mockingly retaliated. “It wasn’t YOUR cum, dumbass!” she ...