1. Dolore Dolce

    Date: 3/27/2015, Categories: BDSM, Author: gilrenard, Rating: , Source: LushStories

    tight, shook her head and mouthed, "Real smooth, Rebecca." “I hope you will not think my request offensive in any way. May I ask that you be in bed and naked, when I call you?” I calmly asked. She trembled and pressed her fist on her dripping pussy, trying to extinguish the fire between her legs. "No, I mean yes, I can do that for you, Gil. And no, I don’t find anything about you offensive." "Thank you, good bye for now, Rebecca," I ended the call. She said good bye to her friends and headed to her room at eleven-thirty that evening. She stripped naked, threw on a t-shirt and sat on the edge of her bed. She became increasingly nervous about the phone call she would be receiving. "Oh my god! He must think I'm the biggest slut," she panicked. She looked at her phone to check the time; it was ten minutes to midnight. "Don't answer the phone, Rebecca," she thought to herself, "Call him tomorrow and make up an excuse." She scurried to her kitchen and turned on the electric kettle. A cup of tea would relax her. Then she scurried to her bathroom, she had to pee very badly all of a sudden. She looked at her phone as she waited for the tea to steep. Two minutes past midnight. “Ohhhhhh, please don’t call!” she panicked. She sipped her tea while she tried to concentrate on watching a movie. Her eyes darted to her phone. Thirty minutes past midnight. She was certain that I wouldn’t call. The movie ended and she looked at her phone. Twelve minutes past one. "Why hasn't he called?" She ...
    thought out loud and checked her phone for missed calls. "Bastard!" she cursed under her breath and removed her t-shirt, "You got some nerve, mister scary and sexy, I'm not a boy, look at me, I can growl and make girls wet. I should call you and give you a piece of my mind! Better still, I should call a few boys over, take videos of them fucking me and send them to you!" She held up her phone and pretended that it was me that she was reaming out, "You sir, are a giant dick and a gianter douchebag.” "What?" she huffed to an imaginary comment. "I know full well, gianter, isn't a word. It's called, poetic license, you gianter douchebag!" She scoffed and was pleased with herself at having given me a piece of her mind. Her phone vibrated and rang; she jumped back and screamed with a start as she threw the phone on to her bed. "Fuck! That scared the shit outta me! Okay, be cool," she took two deep breaths, calmed herself down and answered the phone. "Gil, I was out of my mind with worry! Please tell me everything's alright!" She placed her hand on her forehead, shook her head and thought to herself, "I'm going straight to hell." "Please forgive me, Rebecca. I should have mentioned that I was at the Vancouver airport, waiting to board a plane, when you called me. The departing flight was delayed and we had to circle the airport here, till they repaired an electrical problem on the ground. We just got the okay to land and are in range of cellular service. I was unable to call you any ...