1. Dolore Dolce

    Date: 3/27/2015, Categories: BDSM, Author: gilrenard, Rating: , Source: LushStories

    isn’t coming. Thank you anyway," she turned to me and smiled again. "Foolish boy," I grinned. My compliment made her cheeks feel instantly warm. "Pardon, no, it was my girlfriend," she chuckled and nervously brushed a strand of her chestnut colored hair off her cheek. She stared at my goatee and wondered how its whiskers would feel against her soft lips. Then wondered why she had thought that. "Foolish girl," I quickly replied. "No, she's my girlfriend, as in a girl and a friend. Not, my girlfriend," she stammered. Her clit suddenly tingled as she imagined my mouth covering her moist mound and my whiskers brushing against her delicate inner folds. And again was confused as to why a sexual thought had popped in to her mind. I laughed and replied, "I get it. You don't owe any explanation. You’ll forgive me if I came across as if I was prying. It was a very poor attempt at paying you a compliment." She extended her hand and introduced herself, "I'm Rebecca, but you may call me Becky. My friends all do." "Hello, Rebecca. I'm, Gil," I introduced myself as I gently squeezed her hand, "May I call you, Rebecca, even if we become friends?" She stared at her delicate hand in my grip. "You may, kind Sir. This is your lucky day, it appears I won't have to kick your ass, if you weren't willing to give up your seat," she chuckled nervously. I laughed at her remark. "Sorry, I don't know why I said that," she giggled and blushed. I smiled at her and replied, "No offence taken. But, I do ...
    hope you will be gracious enough to give me a rematch, if you ever do kick my ass. If I may say so Rebecca, you have an infectious giggle." "A rematch for you, anytime, anywhere, Gil, and, yes, you may say so," she chuckled. "You order from her often? All my friends at the college love the wings here." "It’s my first time in here. My nephew was just hired on as a chef. I came by to say hello and try his dipping sauces and the wings. He is very creative in the kitchen. I might pop back Sunday morning at nine, if he gets the breakfast menu completed by then." "I’ll be sure to try more of the items on the menu. We usually only drink and have wings here, on Friday nights," she smiled. The waitress brought my wings and asked if I needed anything else. I thanked her and let her know I was fine. "I'm glad we got to chat, Rebecca. Maybe you'll have better luck next time at kicking my ass. You are a very charming and funny young lady. I do hope to run in to you again," I grinned at her. "Don't be scared to say hi to me, I promise I'll go easy on you, Gil" she chuckled. I glared at her for an instant, lowered my head and in a low voice half growled, "I wouldn't dream of going easy on you, Rebecca." Her eyes widened and she took an involuntary deep breath. She felt a sudden, searing heat between her legs, and her insides quivered. She turned in her seat and watched as I left the pub. "What the fuck was that?" she thought to herself. She finished her drink and headed back to her dormitory. ...