1. Dolore Dolce

    Date: 3/27/2015, Categories: BDSM, Author: gilrenard, Rating: , Source: LushStories

    my like this.” “You have never looked more beautiful to me, Rebecca. Please, look at me.” She slowly turned her head and looked at me. “Thank you, Rebecca. You are lovely,” I smiled at her, “Would you like to cum now?” “Plea-ea-se,” she begged through deep uncontrollable sobs. I held her chin and gently kissed her lips as I slid my hand down and across her belly, till I found her dripping cunt. I slid a finger inside her and twirled it in slow circles. She sucked on my swollen lip, hungry for the metallic taste again. “Your cunt is tight, hot and dripping, Rebecca. I think you are a bit of a pain slut,” I growled and gently pressed my thumb on her swollen clit. “Mmmmppphhhh,” she moaned and bit my lip. Her teeth gnashed my cut open again. She shivered as the metallic taste of my blood filled her mouth. I felt her cunt slowly tighten around my finger. She pulled her mouth away from mine and tucked her chin tight in to her chest. She quivered. Her quivers slowly built up in to violent convulsions. She shrieked out my name, as her orgasm exploded with an intensity that almost rendered her ...
    unconscious. I held her in my arms till she was still. She lifted her head and stared blankly at me for a moment. A smile slowly appeared on her lips. I untied her and helped her to sit on the edge of my bed. “I’ll be right back, Rebecca.” “No!” she cried out in a panic, “Please don’t leave me, please!” as she grabbed my arm with both hands. “I need to apply lotion on the marks on your breasts, Rebecca. I will be right back, I promise,” I smiled and assured her. “Okay,” she sobbed, “Please promise you won't be too long, Gil.” I kissed her forehead and said, “I promise, Rebecca.” I returned with a clean cloth and the lotion for her breasts. I gently applied it on and around the raised welt, streaked across her breasts. I took her in my arms and sat her on my lap. She tucked her arms and legs to her body and sobbed one last time. I placed an ankle bracelet in her trembling hands. A smile formed slowly on her lips. Her fingers traced over the four gold letters on the bracelet and she mouthed the word, slut. She clasped her fingers around the ankle bracelet and clutched it tight to her breast.