1. Dolore Dolce

    Date: 3/27/2015, Categories: BDSM, Author: gilrenard, Rating: , Source: LushStories

    bolted out the door. She got up from her bed, slowly walked to her door, locked it and calmly announced to the world, "Call me Rebecca." She stood motionless, blankly staring at the door. One hand gripped the door handle and her other hand rested on the door frame. She closed her eyes, pressed her lips to the door and imagined a tall handsome man, in a long black coat, standing on the other side. He was waiting patiently, with fire in his eyes and a sneering smile. "Call me when you've finished playing with all your boys and are able to fit me in your schedule. I am a patient man." The words she recalled sent an icy shiver up her spine. "Fuck, Gil. What have you done to me?" she whispered in desperation. Rebecca called me Friday evening, five days after she had allowed me to scribe my number on her arm. She was sitting on her bed, legs crossed and nervously wringing the hem of her skirt. She was waiting for her friends; they were going to walk to the pub together. I answered the call, "Hello." "Hi!" she cheerfully greeted me. My cock stirred and began to stiffen at the sound of her voice. "Rebecca, nice to hear from you," I smiled in to the phone. "Nice to hear your voice again, Gil. I just wanted to call to say hello and see how you are doing." "I am very pleased to hear from you. I do hope you are not ignoring one of your many admirers, to make this call," I chuckled. Rebecca smiled and a warm glow flushed in her cheeks, "I might have exaggerated the extent of my ...
    popularity, just a wee bit, Gil," she laughed. "I don't believe you exaggerated at all," I grinned. "You are definitely getting better at giving compliments," Rebecca giggled. "I wish I could chat a bit longer, but, I really must go. You are frequently in my thoughts, Rebecca. Thank you for the call. I'll say good night to you now and let you get back to enjoying your evening.” She rushed through her reply with a slight panic in her voice, "I really wanted to call you sooner. I have been thinking about you a lot and I miss your voice. I want you to know that." "Please call me whenever you feel the need to, Rebecca." "I will, and could you..."she replied and started to ask a question but stopped abruptly. "And what, Rebecca?" I asked. "Nothing, I mean, it's silly. It's a selfish request. You're obviously busy tonight," she replied slightly embarrassed at what she wanted to ask me. "Do not deny me any opportunity to please you," I sternly said to her. "Now, please ask." My voice startled and excited her at the same time. She felt herself get wet and pushed her fist between her legs. "Okay, if you can, will you call later this evening and say good night to me? I don't care where you are or what time it is. I want to hear you say my name, before I fall asleep," she struggled to get the words out. "Of course I will, Rebecca. It will have to be shortly after midnight. May I ask you to do something for me?" "Anything," she quickly replied, "I mean, yes, of course you may." She closed her eyes ...