There Ain't No Option-B, Motherfucker!!! (Com
Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Mature, Sex Humor, Voyeur, Author: dantheman1980, Rating: 83, Source: xHamster
while it lasted...' I invited her to sit down in the living room, leading the way and offering her to take her pick of the seats, myself taking half of the couch. She came and sat right next to me and we sat staring at the sunlight beaming across the wall from the bay window behind us. 'I get the funny feeling I'm not going to see him anymore,' I sighed. 'I really messed that up.' 'Well you could have handled that better, that's for sure. I just wonder how I'm going to handle it when I get back home. I've never seen him like that before.' 'I bet,' I said, then realised what she had said. 'What do you mean I could have handled that better?' 'Well you didn't have to carry on fucking me until he burst through the door like that.' 'Oh that!' 'You could have at least taken the time to hide under the bed.' 'And then what?' 'And then I don't know, I could have made an excuse and said you'd gone for a walk to cure your hangover?' 'True,' I said in hindsight and sighed, sipping my tea and burning my lips. Then Teresa paused for thought, looked right at me and said, 'and just think of the shagging we could have still been getting up to when he was none the wiser?' 'Teresa!' 'Come on, we both clearly wanted it or it wouldn't have happened,' she said with a wink. 'I'm not arguing, I really wanted it like you wouldn't believe,' I started but she was quicker. Suddenly she was raising her butt off the seat and hitching up her skirt, then toying with her pussy under her panties with lust in ...