Lesley part 33
Date: 9/25/2015, Categories: Fetish, Masturbation, Mature, Author: Les1111, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
trouble making old git. I'll sort him!" "Ok pet...You know best" Ooooo "Hi Sylvia...yes, I'm ok. I've spoken to dad, and yes, it looks like it's right. My mother was fucking him all along. So, chances are, it's him. Mind, he wasn't the only one shagging her, but dad thought he was the one..." "What are you going to do?" "Well....nothing really. I'm hardly going to go in and say 'hi dad, how are you today?'.....no, I'll just play it by ear....all I can do" "Ok Lesley...if theirs anything I can do....bye girlfriend....keep in touch" Lesley took a deep breath and pulled her uniform on, checking her appearance was presentable. She looked....despondent. And worried. She had to be strong. She would be. Ooooo Kevin's phone flashed on his dashboard..'Had some bad news....relying on you to cheer me up...don't disappoint me'....he rang her immediately. "Hey sexy...what's up?" "Oh just some parent issues!... Could do with some company, that all." "Well, I could drive down tonight but I'll be out of driving hours soon, could probably get there for 11ish if that's any good...I've no hotel though.." "Fuck the hotel.....stay at mine...the lads are at their grandads and I don't finish till ten anyway....I'll give you my postcode...." "Ok babe....one thing. Do I need condoms?....bit cheeky, but....." "Are you clean?" "Well...yes...course I am" "Well then....fuck the condoms....get ...