1. Lesley part 33

    Date: 9/25/2015, Categories: Fetish, Masturbation, Mature, Author: Les1111, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    in....'wine me dine me, 69 me&#034 and sent it...her heart rate increasing as she did so. The reply was almost instant...'no fuckin problem darlin' Well that's that then, she smiled to herself inwardly. Geordie watched Lesley climb into her car and drive away. She looked happy. His thoughts returned to his problem with her new found sexual desire, but seeing her so apparently happy, now made him think that he was exaggerating it. If she's happy...why shouldn't he be. If she's getting fucked five times a day...so what. She's not sixteen any more.....he should try to support her more, and maybe she will confide in him....maybe, anyway. That's all he could do. Five minutes later he was inspecting the two sex toys he had seen on the bed, and the odour of cunt juice was still strong on one of them...the other had oil on it. She'd been double fucking herself. His cock thickened at the thought. Ooooo Sylvia was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do. The ramblings of that old bastard Ernie's Hedley still resonated in her mind. &#034She's my fucking daughter&#034....played like a torture, over and over in her head. What should she do....Lesley was her friend....she really should tell her what he was insinuating. She'd go fucking apeshit....so would anybody....having that sprung on you. She had to tell her...she just had to. And soon...like...probably now...she decided...fuck it...she'd do it now. She picked up her phone and hit Lesley's contact no...the phone rang. &#034Hi man ...
    stealer...what you up to? Missing the fat bastard yet?, I'm not. Haha&#034 &#034Hi Lesley. No I'm not missing him...just his cock!.... Listen I need to tell you something....maybe better in person. Where are you?&#034 &#034Sounds a bit...er....ominous....what's up?.... Can't be that bad...surely.&#034 &#034I could tell you now, but I'd rather tell you in person. It's probably crap anyway...&#034 &#034Come on then....spill. I'm in too good a mood to have anything bad happen...so tell me what I've done wrong&#034. &#034You've done nothing wrong. Well, not that I'm aware of, anyway.....its just I've had a run in with our favourite resident....Ernest fucking Hedley...and he's told me in no uncertain terms that....oh fuck...I'm so sorry and hope it's crap....but, he's told me that he's....hes.....hes your dad&#034. &#034Wwwwhat...dad. Haha. Haha. Your fucking joking me right....haha. My dad....that's brilliant...it's not April the first...eh. Sylv come on...stop pulling my leg...what's really wrong?&#034 &#034Nnno. Lesley, sorry. That's what he says. Said you were his daughter.....quite adamant he was....said he was having sex with your mother all the time she was married to your dad. Said she wasn't having sex with Geordie...only him.&#034 &#034Oh my fucking God!&#034 &#034Sorry...I'm so sorry. Just...thought you should know. You gonna be ok...I can meet you if you want to talk about it. I feel awful telling you on the phone, but our shifts miss, and I wouldn't see you till Sunday, ...