1. Lesley part 33

    Date: 9/25/2015, Categories: Fetish, Masturbation, Mature, Author: Les1111, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    and by then you would have seen him and he would probably have said something to you.&#034 &#034It's...ok. Promise...thanks for ringing me....I'll speak to dad&#034. The phone went dead and Lesley's mood, died with it. &#034Crap&#034 she said out loud, in Asda, getting some funny looks....&#034double fucking crap&#034 she said louder, leaving her trolley, and headed for the ladies. &#034Dad....hi...it's just me. Listen...I've just had a very disturbing phone call. Is a man called Ernie Hedley my biological father. I know my mother wasn't loyal...you've told me that...but he's told Sylvia that he's my dad....I don't know what to do....&#034 She whispered then started crying. &#034Lesley...come home and we can talk about it....it's complicated. I'm your dad.....that's all that's important. Don't forget that. Come home pet....now!&#034 &#034Ok...dad...I'll be there soon&#034 Ooooo &#034Your mother was....different. She had no morals, whatsoever. Her idea of relationships bore no reasonable resemblance to anyone else's. She was 'a good time girl'. All the men wanted her...she was popular. But only for sex. No one courted her...just me of course, but I didn't know what she was really like...till it was to late. You were born and I had know idea she was still playing about&#034 he lied &#034so....yes, probably Ernie is the person who got her pregnant. But...you know....I brought you up, and that's what counts. At the end of the day....that's what's important....so, if he says ...
    something, just say....Geordie Ridley is my dad....end of!&#034 Lesley's tears had dried up, but she was still obviously very upset. &#034Him....why fucking him....he's so.....poisonous.&#034 The tears flowed once more. &#034I know, pet....I wasn't best pleased either.&#034 &#034So....what?.... You knew?&#034 &#034Suspected&#034 &#034How did you know?&#034 Geordie didn't want to get into this but had to say something...&#034she told me once, during an argument, that she was seeing someone....taunting me. She wasn't a nice person, Lesley. You know that. She said it was Ernie, but I didn't know if it was true. She liked to wind me up. Not long after that she left. She wasn't a good person...she was....wild&#034 &#034Fucking feral....that's what she was....bitch!&#034 &#034Now now...she's still your mother. She loved you in her own way&#034 &#034Ernie fucking Hedley!&#034 &#034You were in such a good mood this morning....now this! I'm sorry&#034 &#034Oh dad...it's not your fault. It's that....bitch!... And him.....oh well. Forewarned is.....oh some fucking thing....I'm just so.....angry&#034 &#034Put it out of your mind, pet. He's not worth the pain...honestly. You know I'm right. It'll seem all different in the morning. Promise. Phone in sick if you want, for a few days....I'll bung you some money. Take some time for yourself.&#034 &#034No no...you've always taught me to confront my problems....I'll deal with it. One word from him and I'll put him in his place. I'll sort him... the ...