1. She's My Best Friends Girl

    Date: 9/22/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 88, Source: xHamster

    she said. &#034I know it was more than that with you and Amy but.....it's been awhile huh&#034, she asked. I drew in a breath and, &#034Yeah&#034, I said as I looked down at the table. &#034Maybe we can help each other out&#034, she said. My eyes immediately went from the table to her. She didn't have a smile on her face rather she looked at me and shrugged her shoulder as to express &#034why not&#034. I didn't need this, I figured she would bust out laughing at any time but the continued silence along with the straight look on her face and my cock began to harden. I had thoughts racing through my head as I tried to interpret what she meant by that. Perhaps she means we can help my talking to each other about our issues or that she wants me to talk with Brad and she talk to Amy. I'm sure she doesn't mean her and I, me and her, that we should............... NAHHHHH. I decided it was time to lighten things up again so a little inuendo as a retort would be appropriate given my nature, that way I don't look stupid and presumptuous. Then I can get through this, go home and clean up then pound one off to clear my mind. &#034MMM baby, what did you have in mind&#034, I said with a smile. &#034SEX&#034, she said, still keeping that straight face. &#034Your not serious&#034, I said as I continued my smile. She kept her straight face and didn't flinch. Either she had restraint she never had before when we joked around like this or she was dead serious. I was resigned to give in because ...
    the frustration was just to much for me. &#034Alright, what do you mean sex, sex with who&#034, I asked with a smirk on my face instead of a smile. &#034Each other&#034, she said, still no smile. I just looked at her with the same smirk as I explored her eyes, what I saw made the smirk disappear. Her eyes had the look of seriousness. I still thought that either she is throwing my inuendos back at me to teach me a lesson or something but either way I was ready to concede defeat. My need was desperate and this wasn't funny to me anymore. I drew in a breath, let it out and shook my head slightly as I spoke, &#034Cindy, don't play with me like that&#034, I said. &#034Look, I need to have sex BAD. Brad hasn't so much as touched me in 3 months and I doubt he is going without&#034, she said. I wanted to argue with her about whatever Brad may or may not be doing while at the same time I had empathy for her. I know Brad has his strict criteria but this is his wife and even though she is not the slender woman she was a few months back she is still a pretty and sensuous woman. I sat there amazed and thought how could he keep his hands off of her. I had thoughts in my head which I knew were driven by the lack of sex, the fact I always thought Cindy was HOT, that he is gone, that she needs it and to top it off this would be sooooo naughty and wrong. I wanted to have sex with her, I wanted it really bad and here is the opportunity. I knew I had to restrain myself but there is only so much ...