1. She's My Best Friends Girl

    Date: 9/22/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 88, Source: xHamster

    OK, a little background: My name is David, I'm 27 yrs old single and I continue to play the field. My best friend is Brad he is also 27 yrs old and his wife is Cindy, she is 26. Brad and I have known each other since high school so we go back at least 10 yrs and did the usual like hang out, drink, and chase girls. The girl chasing continued right on until about 5 yrs ago for Brad. Brad was dating Cindy then he decided to make it permanent and the were married about 3 yrs ago. We both knew Cindy from high school when her and Brad dated off and on. They split a few times back in the day but kept in loose contact for a few years then it got cranked up again and led to marriage. We all go back many years and know each other very well. I have went out with some of Cindy's friends back in school and since then. I had been dating Amy, a friend of Cindy's, and we were serious until recently. We all get together at one house or the other or go out, etc but that has slowed down some especially since Cindy is pregnant. Brad is a territorial manager and travels one week out of the month and Cindy works at a doctors office. I do inside sales for an equipment and parts distributor. I got a call Saturday around noon from Cindy. Brad is traveling and their air conditioner has quit and being July it didn't take long to get miserable. They know my experience with these things and didn't want to call just any repair contractor so she asked if I would mind checking it out. We help each other ...
    all the time, that's what friends are for so of course I head over there to see what I can do. Let me describe Cindy, she is about 5'9&#034 and typically about 120 lbs with straight blond hair that reaches halfway down her back and she has crisp blue eyes and she has always been slender and lean. Oh yes, she is pretty. . She is about 6 months pregnant now (and may be 130 lbs now) so her belly is rounded out, her breasts and ass have increased in size. Not in a bad way either because as far as I'm concerned she looks a bit better and more defined to me. She always kept in shape, not that she works out but she is just a naturally slender woman and she watches what she eats so it's not like she has gained weight all over. She is a slender woman with a rounded belly. She has fresh clear smooth skin and needs no make up. Cindy answers the door and here she stands before me in her condition, drenched with sweat, a thin white top with small straps to hold it up and its clinging to her body, a pair of thin shorts and her long hair pulled back and fastened. Given her features I don't think a condition exists where she wouldn't still look good. &#034Thanks for coming&#034, she said. &#034Not a problem&#034, I said . I looked her up and down in a fashion like I was &#034checking her out&#034 and I made sure she saw me doing it. &#034I look a mess&#034, she said, putting one hand on her belly and the other wiping sweat from her brow. &#034I think your HOT&#034, I said with a straight face. ...