1. She's My Best Friends Girl

    Date: 9/22/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 88, Source: xHamster

    &#034Your just being kind.......... Oh DUH I got it&#034, she said rolling her eyes up and laughing. We laughed then gave each other the obligatory hug. &#034Please fix the air&#034, she said. I went about diagnosing the problem, I was back and forth between the outside and inside unit. I traced the problem and began working when Cindy came around offering me something to drink. It was hot so it didn't take long for me to be drenched in sweat and I was struggling to remove the motor given the tight conditions where it was placed. She insisted I come to the kitchen and take a break. She had a fan going so we sat at the table to cool off and I drank some tea. She expressed how much she appreciated me coming over and we talked how Brad wasn't very handy when it comes to things like this or even doing general things around the house even if he was here. It was true, he asked me to come over and fix a light, a switch, a door, or whatever. As we sat at the table and talked she asked me if I could look at the ceiling fan in their bedroom because it was making a noise. Being the jokester I am I tried to lighten things up. &#034Doesn't the fan block the view from the mirrors you guys have on the ceiling&#034, I said with a smile. &#034Well you would know since you would have been the one to install the mirrors&#034, she said. &#034Nah, I put myself in a pinhole camera when I was in the attic a couple months back&#034, I said. &#034Well you haven't seen much action then&#034, she said. ...
    &#034Don't shit me, you don't get pregnant by shaking hands&#034, I responded. &#034Yeah, well maybe he doesn't find me attractive anymore&#034, she said. &#034Unless he turned gay and blind I don't think so&#034, I said. She looked down and just shook her head slightly and our amusement stopped. Something was wrong and she had a hard time hiding it. We all have always threw out the sexual inuendos and inquiries. I mean since we all have known each other there wasn't a conversation that wasn't laced with sexual overtures but I seemed to have hit a nerve then figured maybe it's hormones or something, I know moods can change during pregnancy. I asked if she was OK and I apologized if I crossed a line. She said it's fine then simply said that her and Brad hadn't been &#034close&#034 lately. She still looked more away than at me as we continued to talk. We finished our drinks and I went back to work on the air. Finally freeing the motor I took it to where I worked to find a replacement. While I was on the way Brad called and I gave him the rundown of what happened and what I found and that I also found a small leak in their unit and I would fix that while I was there. He expressed the usual gratitude and said he would be back tomorrow afternoon and we would get together at some point, etc. I obtained what I needed and went back to their house to fix everything. While I worked Cindy would come by with a drink for me and check how things were going. I certainly didn't mind because ...