1. She's My Best Friends Girl

    Date: 9/22/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 88, Source: xHamster

    and she seemed to be looking off in the distance and thinking. When she did start talking it was about her friend Amy, who I was in a relationship with until recently. It had been a month since Amy and I split, well since Amy decided to split. She said that her and Amy &#034talked&#034 and she hoped I wouldn't be mad about anything shared and wondered if I was OK. I acknowledged that it was a tender subject for me but I told her I know woman talk and that since I treated Amy good and that she never had any complaints I knew about so whatever they shared it didn't bother me. &#034Well she isn't going to make it long with the guy she's with, but he's &#034the bad boy&#034, said Cindy as she shook her head in wonder. &#034I guess I'm just a nice guy, to nice huh&#034, I asked. &#034There is nothing wrong with that, don't change a thing, she knows what a wonderful guy your are&#034, she said. &#034Yeah, a lot of good it's done me, she still left me&#034, I said. We talked about how all woman seem to want the bad boy then regret it afterwords and correlated that to how some men have strict criteria for the type of woman they want. The conversation melded into how people are superficial and what is the basis for attraction and is love real...........the conversation became very philosophical. Cindy said that Amy told her we had conversations like that but her and Brad didn't and she wished they did. She also affirmed that Amy had NO complaints, in any department of our ...
    relationship. I was washed with a flood of emotions as Cindy told me this. I sat there looking back on what once was along with the thought of rejection stemming from things that were just fine by most standards. Cindy noticed the change in my face and tone, she could tell I was hurt and she apologized but she was actually hoping to make me feel better by telling me it wasn't anything I did or didn't do, etc. In an attempt to alleviate any guilt she may have for bringing up the subject I said, &#034It's all right, I just think about it sometimes and I miss her and......things&#034. I glanced at her, figuring she would get what I was referring to. It had been a month since I had sex so sitting here thinking of and talking about Amy made me long for &#034attention&#034. The sexual inuendos helps confirm that you are still wanted, needed, attractive, viril, sexy, etc. I appreciated Cindy's sensitivity and the confirmation that I did things right in my relationship with Amy. These confirmations are not just a woman's domain, we all need it. Cindy looked at me, &#034I get what your saying, I understand BELIEVE ME&#034, she said. &#034Things haven't been good&#034, I asked. &#034I don't think he loves me anymore&#034, she said as her eyes watered. I told her that was far from the truth and I assured her that Brad loves her and expressed how good of a person she is. I listed all her personality attributes. She retorted that all those things are great and the way it should be but that it means ...