She's My Best Friends Girl
Date: 9/22/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 88, Source: xHamster
said with a smile on my face. We laughed then she looked away and I did as well. We laid there in silence for a little bit as our thoughts caught up then Cindy started to talk about Amy. She told me some of the details she divulged and various other things they discussed. I was somewhat annoyed at the level of detail that Amy conveyed. No that any of it was bad actually it was all positive but just the thought she may blab her mouth to someone else, I guess it was just the principle of the thing. I didn't mind she was so detailed with Cindy but hoped she is a bit more discreet going forward. Cindy asked if the things Amy told her plus what we have done (and still yet to do) would change things between all of us. I felt it was time for some more levity so told her I've been removing her clothes with my eyes for years anyway so I won't look at her any differently plus I had wondered what it would be like to have sex with her and now my curiosity is filled. We laughed but of course there was some seriousness to her question. I told her that I won't be able to help but think back on this and plan to have fond memories. When we are around each other it will be like it always has been. I told her she is my best friends wife and we needed each other and this is strictly between her and me forever, PERIOD !. I looked directly in her eyes for confirmation, worried she may feel compelled to use this has an axe on Brad sometime in the future. She promised that it would remain our secret ...