1. Living among the Kilitoki

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    Everywhere she looked she saw women smile and nod at her. She tried to ignore the attention and tried concentrating on washing her pussy as best as she could. She thought that a hose would be handy right now, so she could stick in up there and wash everything out. The thought of a hose, turned her mind to Peter's stiff, long cock -- the way it felt sliding in and out of her. If only Peter would have lasted a few moments longer. &#034Hello Zoe.&#034 Zoe was startled as Great Mother addressed her, standing right behind her. &#034Good morning.&#034 &#034How do you feel today?&#034 &#034Good. I suppose.&#034 &#034Are you satisfied with your son's ceremony?&#034 a smile played on the old woman's lips. What did she mean -- satisfied? &#034It went well,&#034 was all Zoe could think of saying. &#034Good,&#034 said Great Mother and then she leaned in and whispered. &#034Don't let this ruin yours and Peter's relationship. He still needs you to be kind and loving to him. You have a duty as a mother.&#034 Zoe nodded and Great Mother returned to her circle of older women. Zoe didn't think about how she was going to face her son now, or what she would say to him. She thought about that for some time now and decided that she would pretend like nothing happened. It would probably be difficult, but she had to do it. Zoe determined that she would try to forget about last night and... not think about Peter's cock. *** Peter woke up and stretched. &#034Oh man,&#034 he said as he ran through ...
    last night's ceremony in his mind. &#034Mom sure knew what she was doing.&#034 He rubbed his cock and it sprang to life. He spat on his palm and rubbed it some more to try to get all the dried up sperm off of it. He was incredibly horny. There was a knock on the door. &#034Come in,&#034 said Peter, covering himself up. Pompo's head popped in the door. &#034Good morning, warrior. How does it feel?&#034 &#034Feels good, my friend. Feels good.&#034 &#034Great. The others are waiting for us at the fort. I hope you have a good story to tell us.&#034 Peter got dressed and followed Pompo into the jungle. When they reached the fort the other boys showered Peter with questions. He answered them to his best recollection. &#034I tell you,&#034 Peter said. &#034That stuff that Tooki gave me really works. I couldn't feel anything for a while. Well, I felt awesome, but if it wasn't for the root I'd be done in a few seconds. It's like my penis was numb.&#034 &#034And when you went back to the hut, how many more times did you do it?&#034 asked Karo. &#034Uh!&#034 Peter scratched his head. &#034Well... mom was asl**p when I got back, so that was it.&#034 &#034What!? You didn't impale her again!?&#034 screamed Tooki a bit too loud. &#034Like I said, she was alseep.&#034 &#034So? You wake her up and take her again!&#034 Tooki was round-eyed. &#034Take it easy on him,&#034 said Pompo. &#034He did well. But Peter, just so you know, you can ask your mother for more sex if you want, anytime.&#034 ...