1. Living among the Kilitoki

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    opened the door carefully and walked in. There was a candle burning on the small table next to the bed and he saw his mom laying under the covers. She was facing away from him and Peter was almost glad he didn't have to face her. She looked to be asl**p. Peter looked down at his cock, it was getting stiff again. He looked around the hut to find something to wipe it off with, but didn't see anything suitable. He blew out the candle and laid down next to his mother. On one hand he was a bit annoyed that his fun was over, but on the other hand he was relieved that the ceremony went so well. He suddenly realized how exhausted he was and it wasn't long before sl**p took him. *** Zoe woke with the first light. At first she thought she had a nightmare and her mind was in unease. Quickly enough she remembered the happenings of last night. She turned around and saw Peter naked, asl**p on top of the furs. He laid on his back and there was a peaceful expression on his face. She was suddenly afraid to move as she didn't want to wake him. Remembering last night, she looked down at Peters crotch and saw his cock covered in dry semen. She remembered that Peter came inside of her and that she went to sl**p like that. She thought about the Juice of Infertility and hoped that it would work as intended. As she lay in bed looking at Peter's cock, she felt a stirring in her loins. &#034That orgasm was so close,&#034 she remembered. The longer she looked at Peter's cock, the hornier she ...
    became. She had to move. Slowly and gently she got off the bed. &#034Nothing like a morning bath to cool me off,&#034 Zoe thought. She inspected her pussy and saw dried up cum sticking to her lips. That had to be washed off soon. She heard the sounds of the women getting ready to head to the river. In haste, she put on some clothes. With one last, seemingly unwilling glance, Zoe enjoyed the sight of her son's member and walked out of the hut. &#034Good morning!&#034 The s****rs greeted Zoe on the walk to the river. &#034Hi, girls.&#034 &#034Wow! You were impressive last night,&#034 smirked Cili. &#034I'm glad you enjoyed the show.&#034 &#034The way you rode him. That was something else.&#034 &#034I've had a lot of practice in my day,&#034 lied Zoe. &#034I bet you did. I bet you got some more practice in your hut later on,&#034 said Cili. &#034Hate to disappoint you, but I was so tired I went straight to sl**p.&#034 &#034You're out of your mind!&#034 &#034No. I'm just not as horny as you are all the time.&#034 &#034You're a strange one, Zoe.&#034 &#034Leave her be, Cili. Not everyone thinks about sex all the time,&#034 said Umani, coming to Zoe's rescue. &#034Though it is unusual for the son not to take more pleasure after his ceremony.&#034 &#034Very unusual,&#034 said Cili, raising her eyebrows. &#034Can we talk about something else?&#034 asked Zoe. &#034I've got a lot on my mind as it is.&#034 For the rest of the bath the girls didn't say much and Zoe was glad for the silence. ...