1. Daughter and Dad

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    okay?&#034, then she leaned up to him and kissed him lightly and softly, but still insistently. Jim had a burning desire to kiss her harder, but that nagging voice in the back of his head kept saying, &#034No&#034 even as his lustful heart yelled, &#034Yes&#034. Just to be safe, he broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes again, but no words were spoken between them for a full minute. &#034Dad, at the risk of getting my ass swatted, can I ask one more really personal question?&#034, she cooed. &#034Sure, as long as I'm not compelled to answer it!&#034, Jim told her as he tried in vain to lighten the conversation a bit. She definitely had something in mind, but he had no idea what it was. Still, he knew deep inside him that it would be tough, if not impossible, to refuse her an answer. &#034Okay, here goes. But I'm expecting an answer!&#034, Anita insisted, then softened her voice as she added, &#034This has to do with sex, and love, and all that stuff. You still game to open the subject?&#034. Jim took a deep swallow of empty air. Of all the people in the world, he felt the least qualified to answer anything on the subject. But he had promised her, years ago, that he'd listen to her questions, answer the ones he could, and debate the ones he couldn't. Now was no time to change the rules, even if he was uncomfortable about the subject. &#034Sweetheart, I guess it's okay, but are you sure I'm the guy to ask? My track record's pretty bad in that department, ya know&#034. Anita ...
    couldn't think of any way to ease into the subject in her head, so she just dove right in, head first. &#034Dad, people feel lonely, and their mind wanders to somewhere that relieves that loneliness. That's usually the basis of a fantasy, right? Those fantasies probably deal more with being with someone warm, loving, and caring. I guess I'm no different than anyone else, but every time I do, I get . . . horny, and I'm betting that whenever you fantasize, you do, too. Cards on the table?&#034, Anita opened, pausing to collect her thoughts. &#034I have my fair share of fantasies, Dad, but I don't handle it well. There are times when I yearn for a man, someone that will love me, caress me, and want me. I've tried all the usual ideas, from masturbating to rolling over and trying to sl**p instead. The usual result is that I wake up the next morning, grumpy as hell, and bitchy all day. But you never seem to be like that. So, what's your secret? How come you always seem so cool, calm, and collected?&#034, Anita confided. &#034Me? Cool? Calm? Collected?&#034, Jim replied inquisitively. &#034You must be on some really strong medications, Babe!&#034, then allowed himself to compose his thoughts before he continued. &#034But in answer to your question, I have my moments of . . . well, lustfulness. I just do what most guys do, and go to the one-hand release method. It's not very satisfying, but it's better than nothing, I guess. About the only thing that makes it worthwhile, I suppose, is ...