1. Dolore Dolce

    Date: 3/27/2015, Categories: BDSM, Author: gilrenard, Rating: , Source: LushStories

    She quickly stripped out of her clothes and threw on an over-sized t-shirt once she was in her room. "A great way to spend a Friday night," she mumbled to herself as she jumped on to her bed and turned on her laptop. "Netflix, you are the perfect boyfriend," she chuckled. She microwaved some popcorn and picked a random movie to watch. Her mind wandered to the searing heat between her legs and how her insides had quivered. She squeezed her thighs together and rubbed them against each other. She moaned softly at the sensation of her clit being trapped and stimulated . "Fuck, that was insanely hot," she gasped. She parted her legs, slid her hand to her pussy and moaned out loud when her fingertips brushed over her clit. She quickly squeezed her thighs together and rocked her hips slowly. Her fingertips worked feverishly on her swollen clit. It only took a minute till an orgasm began to rumble through her. She held her breath and rolled on to her side. When her orgasm peaked, she collapsed on to her stomach and screamed in to her pillow. "Sorry Netflix, you've just been replaced," she laughed as she lazily rolled on to her back. Sunday morning, she headed to the pub to study, and, secretly had hoped that she would run in to me again. I arrived shortly after Rebecca. She was dressed in a loose fitting, long sleeved red t-shirt and yoga pants. Her hair was up in a ponytail, which she was twirling around her index finger, lost in thought. "Good morning, Rebecca," I smiled as I ...
    walked towards her. "Hey, hi Gil, good morning to you," she smiled and quickly pushed her books to the side of the table. "You look busy, am I disturbing you?" I asked. Rebecca shook her head and replied, "No, well, kind of. I didn't study Friday night. I was too distracted by something. I have a few hours of studying to catch up on. There’s a math formula I don’t understand and it's driving me crazy. I could use a break, if you would like to join me for a quick coffee." "Another time perhaps, when you aren’t as busy, Rebecca. I must confess, our brief chat has left me," I paused and grinned at her, "Shall we say, wanting more." My words set off a slow burn between her legs. She shifted in her seat and cleared her throat. "More?" she asked innocently. "More conversation, Rebecca, unless you have something else in mind?" I grinned. She nervously looked away and replied, "No, there's nothing in my mind. I mean, conversation, yes, more conversation is what I meant, obviously." "Perfect, I do hope you won't keep me waiting too long to converse with you again." "How will you know when I’ll be available? All the boys have to book time with me months in advance. I am a very popular girl and might not be able to fit you in my schedule for months, maybe years, just saying," she coyly chuckled. "I'm not a boy," I smiled a half growled reply. The slow, searing heat between her legs and quiver shot through her again. She cleared her throat and took a gulp of coffee, "No, you're definitely not ...