1. Dolore Dolce

    Date: 3/27/2015, Categories: BDSM, Author: gilrenard, Rating: , Source: LushStories

    panted. "Your scent of arousal is intoxicating. May I taste your cunt, Rebecca?" I growled softly. She sucked both her lips in to her mouth and nodded. I parted her inner lips and spit on her exposed clit. Rebecca shivered and moaned. I immediately assaulted her cunt with my bearded mouth and licked the entire length of her dripping, pink slit. Rebecca let out a long sigh and thrust her hips forward. I covered her cunt with mouth and sucked on it, licking her clit and sinking my teeth in to her dripping flesh. I grabbed her hips and turned her around. I spread her firm ass cheeks wide and licked around her tight, puckered, pink butt hole. She squirmed and moaned at the wet, warm sensation that shot from her asshole and in to her belly. I abruptly stood up and slapped her hard between the legs. A loud, wet smack filled the room. "Owwwwwwwwfuuuuckkk!" Rebecca screamed out. I squeezed her cunt and yanked on her slick inner lips. "Ow-ow-ow-ow-owwwwww!" she screamed as she struggled in vain to escape my brutal grip. I placed my lips to her ear and whispered, "Shhhhhhhh." She nodded and sobbed silently. I slapped her cunt again. "Ohhhowwww!" she cried out. I kissed her lips softly and whispered, "Shhhhhhh, Rebecca. Try not to make a sound for me." I wiped the tears away from her cheek and slapped her between the legs again. All I heard was a short, high pitched squeal from her. "Much better, Rebecca," I growled at her. I picked up the rattan cane and caressed her inner thigh with ...
    it. Rebecca looked down between her legs and stared wide eyed at the cane. "Don't look, Rebecca," I sternly warned her. She quickly lifted her head and shut her eyes tight. I struck her inner thigh, with a sharp, short swing. Her eyes flew open and she burst out in tears as she screamed out from the stinging, burning pain. "Shhhhhhh, my pretty slut,” I whispered in her ear. I struck the inner thigh of her shackled leg. She sobbed harder and cried out again. A short, sharp swing of the cane caught the upper thigh of the leg she was balancing herself on. It gave out and her and body swayed in midair. I swung the cane sharply, two more times across her ass cheeks. The cane dug deep in to her, and her tight flesh rippled from the blows. "OHHHHHHHHHHHOOWWWWWWW!" she cried out as her body stiffened and bent backwards. "Just a few more, Rebecca," I snarled at her. I stuck her across the back with four quick, short blows. And four more, sharp blows across the back of her leg. Rebecca's body shook uncontrollably as she cried out in pain. I spun her around and struck her four more times across her belly. "OHHHHH-OW-OW-OWWWWW!" she sobbed uncontrollably, "Ple-ease, Sir!" she begged. "Use your safe word, Rebecca. I will only stop, if and when, you use your safe word," I sternly reminded her. She let her body go limp and nodded. I lifted her head by her hair and glared in to her eyes. She stared back at me unblinking. There was fear, pain and lust in her beautiful green eyes. My cock was ...