1. Lazy Weekend - Book 1

    Date: 10/13/2014, Categories: Oral Sex, Author: mike01xXx, Rating: 2, Source: LushStories

    feeling of heightened ecstasy every time she made love to herself, right before she’d start to shudder and struggle to keep her own body in control. She let out a powerful moan, and a muffled scream of pleasure as she tried to pull away from the source of stimulation. Her belly was contracting in waves and she was quivering hard, her orgasm riding through her, filling her. The ecstasy was nothing she could put words to. Maybe it wasn’t the same for everyone. Maybe it was. There again, maybe not. But she didn’t care about that, she just let it flow through her. He didn’t let go when she started to convulse in pleasure. He was in heaven with his mouth to her lips, licking and kissing, prodding with his tongue, stimulating with his lips, doing anything he’d known, seen or learnt from those short movies. But what he did, he did with love. There was a difference. Her juices really began to flow. Not like squirting or dripping. Just flowing from her southern lips, wetting his lips and mouth. He sucked hungrily, downing every last bit of it. She began to giggle and laugh when he hadn’t let go and the waves that washed over her had long subsided. She was her talkative self again, but also flirty when she was with him. “Cool down, soldier.” He stopped but did not let go, her womanhood now above him again, his eyes looking distantly into hers. “I can’t let you go,” he said softly, licking his lips. “I’m in heaven.” She giggled and laughed again. He smiled and leaned in to kiss her ...
    southern lips gently again, letting the contact linger for longer. At the same time he gently inhaled her scent, not wanting to let go, but he did. She slid down and lay prone, half on him, half on the bed, her breasts pushed to his chest. Their heat lingered on in the atmosphere that consumed them, dividing them from the outside world. Their legs intertwined and her knee was at his erect manhood, a trail of glistening fluid flowing down. His arm was wrapped around her, holding her close as they embraced in a kiss, mouths parted, tongues dancing to an unheard melody. They eventually lay back, sinking into their pillows. He stared at the ceiling, not thinking of anything, just enjoying her presence. She let her gaze wander over his body, wondering if he liked her as much as she liked him. Love was too big a word but like was too small all the same. Synapses fired in her head at unreal speeds, conjuring up fantasies, creating situations and outcomes. She looked at his shaved pubes and the hair that was beginning to surface. She moved her head and said, “I propose a Dare.” Looking down into her eyes, he said, “Let’s hear it.” “Well actually it’s two Dares in one day. For each of us.” She drew circles on his chest as she spoke. “Don’t leave me hanging.” He began to smile as he could not phantom what she had in store for them. “Okay,” she said and propped herself up on her elbow, her firm breasts proudly displayed. “I tell you tomorrow.” She leaned in to kiss him. “Oh-ho, you are such ...