1. Lazy Weekend - Book 1

    Date: 10/13/2014, Categories: Oral Sex, Author: mike01xXx, Rating: 2, Source: LushStories

    eyes were sort of almond shaped they seemed to sparkle even in the faintest of light. The plain white cotton blouse she wore outlined her petite frame and her rounded breasts. No, they were not huge, not near big, but neither were they small. He didn’t understand cup sizes, but he knew his preference. Not big or huge. He was half a head taller than her and wore three-quarter cotton pants, and plain white cotton T-shirt almost similar to hers. The breeze easily found its way through his short cropped hair and cooled his scalp, a feeling he often enjoyed. His eyes seemed distant when he looked at the sky or every time he lost interest in his books. He gulped down his tea and moved in next to her. Her were arms on the rail, glass of tea in her right hand. “You make nice salad,” she said, breaking the awkward silence. “Thanks.” “And chicken.” “Thank you.” “I had a great dinner.” He did not reply to her statement this time, just looked at her and then looked away in to the night sky. “You’re quiet,” she said, shifting her body slightly to face him. “Erm, I don’t have anything to say at the moment. Really.” “Try this. Think of a topic and start to say something about it.” The night breeze turned into a slight stronger gust of wind and he felt the soft material of her short black pleated skirt flap against his pants. Think of a topic. “Okay,” he said, brushing his hand against his mouth. “Erm, remember the other day that game of truth or dare?” “Yeah, we were in the library’s ...
    reading section and nearly got chased out.” She chuckled. “I’d like to try it,” he said suddenly and quickly, his mouth dry. There was a still silence and the wind picked up again, rustling the leaves of the trees in the park down below. She’d still remembered the game a week ago. She’d dared him tell her one of his darkest fantasies and it was still clear in her mind as if he’d told her a minute ago. “ … one of my darkest fantasies is to have a girl sit on me.” “Sit on you? That’s silly. C’mon.” “I mean her womanhood right at my mouth and I just please her.” “You mean sexually?” she’d whispered. “I’m sorry,” he said. “Shouldn’t have brought that up.” She couldn’t reply him. Her heart was racing faster than a band’s drummer and also harder than that. She could feel it thumping away in her chest cavity and, cliché as it sounded, felt like it would just detonate like an atomic bomb. “I’d like a bath,” she said, turning to the shower, her voice with a mild hint of anxiousness that she was trying to control. “Okay.” She stopped after a few steps and turned around. Her heart was thumping even harder and she could almost hear it. “I…I’d like to try mine too,” she blurted. Think of a topic. He recalled the game just as well as she did. He kept playing the conversation again and again in his mind. Not that he wanted to. Well, he did try to stop himself. “…Now tell me yours.” “I’d like to have a sensual shower. With someone.” He snapped back as he heard water patter down on the tiled floor ...