1. Ultimate Workout

    Date: 10/6/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: Silverthorn5548, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    tongue whirls its way along the line of your pussy lips, in one second, up the next then out and back down again, starting slowly, building your passion as I progress. Your right hand moves down your front and you use your index finger to great effect above my tongue as you assist in your own pleasure. Your right hand is holding onto a sheving support, unseen in the dark, your grip tightening with every wave of pleasure that floods through your middle, brought on from both of our industrious task on you. You lift your head for a moment, looking down your body at the sight of the top of my head eagerly working to please you and you alone. The feelings within your groin are becoming uncontrolled now and your legs begin to betray you, pulling up from the tightening f***e becoming infectious through your body. You can't take any more, feeling that to continue might render you spent entirely. The whole feeling, shooting through your body, coupled with the familiar smells of the gym which you associate so much with your routined workout are becoming all too much, this pleasure so much more but also similar to the great feelings you experience while giving yourself a good workout. You pull away from me and spin around effortlessly, almost catching me with your flailing legs as you go. As you spin you turn over and then bring your face close to mine. You purse your lips and give me a quick kiss before saying &#034Stand up handsome, I want to see that hard dick of yours in the ...
    flesh!&#034 I stand up without hesitation and present myself to your inspection. You chuckle to yourself and remark that it's so much bigger than the picture I sent you and I return with &#034I'm sure that has quite a bit to do with being in such close proximity to you!&#034 Without another word you lean forward, grab me in your hand and begin to pull me up and down, this time the shaft of light shining on my large end, reflecting off the pre-cum already covering its surface. You work your hand along my shaft, slightly twisting as you go, my initial juices running down its side and onto your clenched hand. You pull up the sides with your hand, becoming slippy on the surface. You remedy this by bringing your mouth to the fore and slowly lap up as much as you can, cleaning me. You then begin to work your magic, taking me further in your mouth, wrapping it around tight and twisting as you move up and down the length, the feel of you tight around me is making me feel so fantastic, a tightness pulling through my long dick as you take it in your mouth, using your teeth and lips to heighten my pleasurable experience. You continue to work your magic up and down on me as you trace your tongue down my length now and again before continuing to fuck me over and over. As you take my head into your mouth you cup my balls and begin to massage them gently as you work yourself along my length. As you continue, my fingers flow through your hair, pulling it to the side when needed to ensure it doesn't ...